(Political) Book wish list / Lista pozeljnih (politickih) knjiga

Confessions of an economic hitman -John Perkins
A new book to my book wish list is the “Confessions of a hitman”- Written by John Perkins. In my previous post I told you about the documentary “Let´s make money” where this guy caught my interest. John Perkins worked as an economic hitman. In the book he repeatedly denies  the existence of a “conspiracy” and discusses instead carefully the role of corporatocracy. Sounds like an interesting book 🙂

Priznanja jednog ekonomskog ubice –John Perkins

Nova knjiga u mojoj listi pozeljnih knjiga je ” “Confessions of a hitman”- (Priznanje jednog ekonoskog ubice) od John Perkins-a. U proslom sam clanku pisala o dokumentarcu ”Let´s make money” (Hajmo praviti novac) u kojem sam cula za John Perkinsa i koji me zainteresovao. John Perkins je radio kao t.z. ekonomski ubica. U knjizi odbija egzistenciju neke konspiracije ali zato diskutuje ulogu korporatokracije. Zanimljiva tema i djeluje mi kao i zanimljiva knjiga.


The second guy that caught my interest was Wiliam Blum that wrote the book

America´s Deadliest Export- Wiliam Blum

For over 65 years, the United States war machine has been on auto pilot. Since World War II, the world has believed that US foreign policy means well, and that America’s motives in spreading democracy are honorable, even noble. In this startling and provocative book from William Blum, one of the United States’ leading non-mainstream chroniclers of American foreign policy and author of the popular online newsletter, Anti-Empire Reports, demonstrates that nothing could be further from the truth. Moreover, unless this fallacy is unlearned, and until people understand fully the worldwide suffering American policy has caused, we will never be able to stop the monster.

Smrtonosni eskport americke demokratije –  Wiliam blum

Preko 65 godina, SAD. ratna mašinerije je bila na autopilotu. Od drugog svjetskog rata, svijet je vjerovao da američka vanjska politika misli dobro, i da su motivi Americkog širenja demokratije časni, čak i plemeniti. U ovoj zapanjujućoj i provokativnoj knjizi od William Bluma, jedan od ‘vodećih americkih “non-mainstream” hroničara američke vanjske politike i autor popularnih online novina -“Anti-Empire Izvještaji”, pokazuje da ništa ne može biti dalje od istine. Osim toga, dok se god ne nauci od greske i dok ljudi ne budu u potpunosti razumijeli patnje u svijetu koje je američka politika izazvala, nikada nećemo biti u mogućnosti da zaustavimo to čudovište.



I also got recommended this following book on the theme / Dobila sam isto preporuku za ovu knjigu

A century of war:  Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order – William Engdahl

This is a story about power, power over entire nations and continents. The story describes the vehicle to that unparalleled power over nations, oil, and the vital role it has played in peace as well as wars in the past century. Henry Kissinger, the former American Secretary of State put it succinctly during the first oil shock of the early 1970’s. He declared, “Control the oil and you control entire nations.”
A thin red line runs through the history of the world since Fashoda, and that is covered in oil and blood. This book is not for the faint of heart, but it is meant to provoke reflection and discussion among those who can see beyond the daily media manipulation of reality that is called news.century_of_war

Stoljeca rata – Anglo americka naftna politika i novi svjetski poredak- William Engdahl

Ovo je priča o moći, moć nad cijelim narodima i kontinentima. Priča opisuje vozilo te neusporedive moći nad nacijama, ulju, kao i vitalnu ulogu koju je odigrala u miru i u ratovima u prošlom stoljeću. Henry Kissinger, bivsi američki državni sekretar je to sadržajno i kratko u prvih šok nafte, ranih 1970-ih. On je izjavio, “kontrolirajte naftu i kontrolišete citave narode.” Od Fashode, tanka crvena linija, pokrivena naftom i krvlju, prolazi kroz istoriju. Ova knjiga nije za one sa slabim srcem, nego je cilj da isprovocira razmišljanje i raspravu među onima koji mogu da vide iznad manipulacije dnevnih medija od stvarnosti koju oni zovu vijesti.
