The kids loved it last year and they love it this year. Fabulous place for children where they can play for hours. THE famous Baltazar in Skövde. It costs only 100 kr for the whole summer so it is really a great investment where children can learn new things having fun in the same time. I was told next year Baltazar will even be bigger with more things to explore. I can hardly wait for it!
Djeca su ga prošle godine obožavala a i ove godine su bili oduševljeni. Baltazar je predobro mjesto gdje se mogu igrati satima. Košta samo 100kr za čitavo ljeto i može se reći da je investicija u djecu da se čitavo ljeto uče nove stvari dok se igraju. Rečeno mi je da će se slijedeće godine Baltazar proširiti za čitav sprat tako da će biti još zanimljivije. Jedva čekam da i to vidim!
If you are close to the city Skövde I would recommend a visit to Balthazar, a science park for children. It is one of the best I have been to. The concept is fantastic. The main part is science made such to interest children of all ages. There is also a place for taking a “fika” ( coffee, cakes and some simple dishes are served) . I find it interesting for grown ups also. Here are some pics from the times we have been there.
Ako ste u blizini Skövdea ja bih vam preporucila da odete u Balthazar. To je jedan park nauke za djecu. Jedan od boljih u kojem sam bila. Koncept im je fantastican. Glavni dio je tako uradjen da motivise i aktivira djecu i da im ucini nauku zanimljivom. Ima isto mjesto za kafenisanje. Prodaju tu i par laganih jela. Dobro je sto je ovaj park i interesantan i za odrasle. Evo par slika od ovih par puteva sto smo bili tamo.
This morning Ada and I arrived to Skövde. Ada was great during the trip. She was constantly talking and singing loud…in the wagon where it should be silcence. Luckily, no one complained.
At my parents place my mom had planted lots of strawberries and there where two that Ada had the honour to pick and eat. She loved it. It was her first time picking the strawberries herself.
In the evening I went to my grand mother. She is very sick and we spent two hours talking. It is very hard to see a person you love getting weaker and weaker. I really enjoyed seing and talking to her. So much experience and stories that only a long life (85 years) can give.Jutros smo Ada i ja stigle u Skövde.Ada je bila super na putu. Pricala je i pjevala je citav put…u vagonu gdje treba biti tisina. Srecom se niko nije bunio.
Kod kuce je mama posadila dosta jagoda koje su bas fino rodile. Ada je nasla dvije zrele koje je sama pobrala i ceifom jela. To joj je prvi put da je sama brala jagode! To joj se pravo svidjelo. Odmah je trazila vise ali nije ih bilo zreli.
Navecer sam srela moju majku koja je jako bolesna. Provele smo dva sata pricajuci o starim uspomenama. Tesko je vidjeti jednu voljenu osobu koja postaje sve losija i losija. Lijepo mi je bilo pricati sa njom. Prerijetki trenutci a toliko iskustva koji samo jedan dug zivot moze dati.
After ages of having the cold we finally headed off to Skövde. I love to travel by train and I think Ada loves it too. My luck is that Ada is a great kid for travelling. She is relaxed and sings a lot. She eats all good restaurant food and she is not picky about what food I bring when travelling. It is like a predesigned kid for travelling 🙂
Nakon toliko duge prehlade napokon smo krenule u Skövde. Volim putovati vozom, a mislim da i Ada to voli. Moja je sreca sto je Ada perfektno dijete za putovanja. Opustena je i voli pjevati. Jede skoro svu restoransku hranu a i voli svu hranu sto ponesem kad putujemo. Kao da sam je dizajnirala za putovanje 🙂
I remember, many years ago (1992), how strange it felt when a young woman just disappeared. Her belongings were found and the police presumed that young woman was killed, but a body was never found. She was a couple of years older than me, and she lived in a city nearby Skövde. I remember how everyone was discussing the case and first hoped to find the girl alive. After a while though it was accepted that most probably she was killed. The body was never found neither could the police ever close the case.
23 years later, a week ago something happened. A young girl, 17 years old, from a city close by, disappeared. I didn´t know her, but she went at the same school where I went when I was 17, she was supposed to graduate where I graduated. The week she was supposed to graduate she disappeared. Unfortunately, she will never graduate. She was found dead. I couldn´t but to remember all the planning for the big day. Which dress for the party, which for the prom, whom to invite to the celebration at home and so on. She had it also probably, but will never experience that happiness.
Today, I was walking the street where the graduate parade usually takes place. You can feel the fear, shock and anger in the city. When I saw the fountain (ironically it is called” Livets brunn” The well of Life) I got the goose bump. I shivered, felt cold and I felt an overwhelming anger. She was just 17. When something like that happens in the world it is just news, but when it happens in the neighbourhood then it feels freaky horrifying…in every cell of the body.
Sjecam se prije mnogo godina (1992) kako se cudno osjecalo kad je jedna mlada djevojka nestala. Njezine stvari su bile pronadjene i tako je policija pretpostavila da ja ta mlada cura ubijena, ali tijelo nikad nije nadjeno. Bila je nekoliko Godina starija od mene, i zivjela je u gradu blizu Skövdea. Sjecam se kako su svi diskutovali taj slucaj i svi su se nadali da ce naci tu curu zivu, ali nakon nekog vremena nekako se prihvatilo da je najvjerovatnije ubijena. Tijelo nikad nije nadjeno a policija nikad nije mogla zavrsiti taj slucaj. 23 godine kasnije prije tacno sedmicu dana, curica 17g stara iz, komsinskog gradica, je nestala. Nisam je poznavala, ali je isla u istu skolu gdje sam ja isla kad mi je bilo 17. Trebala je da maturira u istoj skoli gdje sam ja maturirala. Matura joj je trebala biti te sedmice kad je nestala. Nazalost nije i nikad nece. Nadjena je mrtva. Ne mogu a da se ne sjetim sve planiranje koju haljinu za festu, koju za bal, koga zvati na slavlje kod kuce itd. Sva ona sreca sto ona nikad nece dozivjeti. Danas kad sam setala do grada prolazila sam ulicom gdje inace maturanti paradiraju. Dosla sam do fontane, zove se “Livets brunn” Bunar zivota, ironicno. Najezila i sledila sam se kad sam vidjela cvijece i svijece postavljene. Preplavila me i ljutnja. Pa bilo joj je samo 17 godina. Kad se ovako nesto desi u svijetu to budu samo vijesti, ali kad se u komsiluku desi onda se u svakoj celiji tijela osjeca… uzas i strava.
Yesterday, Ada and me arrived to Skövde to visit my parents. Today we went to Doverholm to repeat the 4 generations picture that we made a couple of months back. Last time it was a hot day, and today was also the hottest day of the year. Maybe we should do these 4 generations pictures more often 😛 In the afternoon we went to Bolougner lake and enjoyed the superb weather 🙂
Jucer smo ja i Ada stigle u Skövde kod mojih roditelja. Danas smo otisle u Doverholm da ponovimo slikanje sa cetiri generacije, koje smo prije par mjeseci jednom vec uradile. Prosli put je isto bio pravo topao dan, a danas je bio najtopliji dan godine. Mozda bi trebale cesce praviti slike sve cetiri generacije da vise lijepih dana bude… Poslijepodne smo otisle na Bolougner jezero gdje smo uzivale u prelijepom ljetnom danu 🙂
Ada realized it is fun to play at 5.00h this morning. We tried to make her sleep, and she did after she had finished playing. My husband wanted to continue his “beauty sleep” but I “kicked him out” from the bed, so he can come back home from his job earlier… Me and Ada fell asleep immidiately 😛 Nice as he is, my husband didn´t want to wake us up so he wrote a note to wish me happy birthday with a “P.s You kicked dad out from the bed, but you yourself continued sleeping…” I sense some jealousy here 🙂
Ada je shvatila da je jako zanimljivo igrati se u 5.ooh ujutru. Probali smo je uspavati, i zaspala je kad je ona završila igranjem. Poslije toga muž je htio nastaviti spavati, ali htjela sam da ranjie dodje kuci s posla, tako da sam ga “izbacila iz kreveta” . Ada i ja smo u trenu zaspale. Muž me nije htio buditi tako da mi je napisao čestitku sa p.s:om Tatu si izbacila iz kreveta a ti zaspala” . Osjećam malo ljubomore ovdje 🙂
When I was in Skövde my parents prepared a small celebration for my birthday
Kad sam bila u Skövdeu roditelji su mi pripremili malo rođendansko slavlje.
The pictures from today, I couldn´t upload so I´ll have to update this post as soon as I manage 🙂 Slike od danas nisam mogla skinuti, tako da cu to uraditi cim stignem 🙂
What a luxury day… My parents persuaded me to go to Aqua Vitalis yesterday AND today. The atmosphere is fantastic and so cheap (220kr) it is a absolute must when being in Skövde.. Especially, when I have THE babysitter it is great opportunity to have some time for myself. Here are some pictures I just had to take… And tomorrow maybe I go again 🙂
Luksuzan dan… Roditelji su me nagovorili da odem u Aqua Vitalis jučer i danas. Fantastična je atmosfera i toliko je jeftino da je pod moranjem da odem tamo kad sam u Skövdeu. Još kad imam najbolje dadilje na raspolaganju onda je super iskoristiti priliku i uzivati malo sama 🙂 . A ako bude sreće možda opet sutra odem 🙂
Above the pool (29 degrees) one can see the log sauna (stockbastu) Iznad bazena (29 stepeni) se vidi sauna gdje se loži na drva
Steam sauna…
Turska sauna
Warm pool (34 degree)… Topli bazen (34 stepena)
A bar for relaxing Bar sa osvježavajućim pićem i hranom