Half the year of 2016has passed and I am still working on the portfolio of our savings. As I already wrote previosly (old post) my goal is to have good dividends, preferrably an amount every month. When the Brexit was voted for there was a minor crash at the stock market where I took the opportunity to buy some stocks. Unfortunately I didn´t have much but I bought a couple of stocks that I have been following for some time. I bought some H&M, Investor, SEB A and Sagax Pref. I have also improved ( 1200 kr) with the dividends for the year comparing to last year (280 kr) which is motivating me a little bit. All the dividends I am reinvesting in new stocks.
My next goal when it comes to stocks is to get 10 000kr dividends per year!
U polu vremenu od 2016. se jos uvijek bavim sa svojim porftoliom dionica. Kao sto sam u starom postu vec pisala cilj mi je da imamo dobre dividende. Po mogucnost svakog mjeseca. Kad su Britanci izglasali Brexit doslo je do manjeg histericnog pada na berzi. Tu sam iskoristila mogucnost da kupim neke dionice. Nazalost nisam imala nesto puno novca, ali sam ipak uspijela kupiti nekoliko H&M, Investor, SEB A i Sagax Pref dionica.
Poboljsala sam isto svoje dividende poredeci sa proslom godinom tako da me to isto malo motivise. Isto tako sve dividende reinvestiram u nove dionice.
Slijedeci cilj mi je da dobijem 10 000 kr dividendi godisnje!