After a tough day yesterday with Ada having the fiever the whole day, I felt I need a couple of hours free today. These hours I spent with my friend Vindi in Schustermann:) Today was a Tommy Hilfiger day for me. Not only did I get two great t-shirts from her but I also bought a pair of cute pink Tommy Hilfiger platform sandals 🙂Nakon napornog jucerasnjega dana, kad je Ada citav dan imala temperaturu, osjecala sam da mi danas treba koji sat odmora. Ti par sati sam sa svojom dobrom prijateljicom Vindi provela u Schustermannu:) Za mene je danas bio pravi Tommy Hilfiger dan. Ne samo sto sam dobila prekrasne dvije Tommy Hilfiger od Vindi, nego sam i kupila preslatke roze Tommy Hilfiger platosandale.