This morning the first snow was falling and it was beautiful. What is winter without snow? Then I realized Ada has no sledge and that is a must, so we made a deal to buy a sledge after kindergarten. First we were off to Hornbach and there was nothing, then to Aldi, Real and finally to Toys ´r´us. All this caring Adrian in his (heavy) car seat. This was after kindergarten quite a tough deal for Ada, she wanted to sleep but she stayed strong and finally we bought her first sledge. And my little sunshine was sooo happy. I found it so moving and she was soo cute when she looked for a sledge for Adrian. It really warmed my heart 🙂
Ovog jutra je prvi snijeg napado i bilo je bajno. Kakva bi zima bila bez snijega ? Onda sam skontala da Ada nema sanke a to se mora imati, tako da samo se dogovorile sutradan otiči kupiti sanke. Prvo smo otišli u Hornbach. kad ono ništa, pa onda u Aldi, Real i za kraj u Toys´r´us i to sve sa Adrianom u korpi. Crkla sam vukljajući ga. Inače je Ada umorna poslije vrtića i borila se do kraja da ne zaspe. Sve za sanke! Ada je bila tako sretna i zadovoljna kad smo napokon našli sanke. A najslađa mi je bila kad je tražila sanke za Adriana. Prava je sestra:)