The first meeting we would have regarding Ada was today at 8.00h and what happened. We overslept! Imagine our panic when we got up and ran through the apartment to pack all our stuff to get to the kindergarten in time. Ensar was finished first with Ada so they left first and and after came I with Adrian, with the second car because I didn’t want to miss the first development talk with her preschool teacher. I came half an hour late…for the first meeting! So embarrassing, but at least I came 😛
The meeting itself was very interesting. I found it quite fascinating how they have followed her development the last half a year. How they read her as person. I found it fascinating to hear specific things about this little person you call your daughter. How she is and what she does. How her personality is developing. I was sitting there and thinking woow. I have a great daughter!
Prevod: Djeca su kao mokar cjement. Šta god padne na njih ostavi utisak. -Dr. Haim Ginott
Danas u 8h ujutru smo trebali imati prvi roditeljski sastanak za Adu. I šta se desi? Mi prespavamo tako da smo paniku dobili kad smo vidjeli koliko je sati. Počeli smo po stanu trčati ko ludi da spakujemo djecu da krenemo. Ensar je bio gotov prvi sa Adom tako da su oni prvi krenuli. Ja nisam htjela da promašim roditeljski tako da sam ja sa Adrianom kratko nakon njih isto krenula. Zakasnila sam pola sata…baš me bilo sramota, ali barem sam došla 😛
Roditeljski je bio pravo zanimljiv. Bilo mi je fascinantno kako su pratili Adin razvoj u zadnjih pola godine. Bilo mi je fascinantno čuti te konkretne stvari o ovoj maloj osobi što je moja kćerka. Kakva je kao osoba. Kako i šta radi, kako se ponaša. Kako se njezina ličnost razvija. Sjedila sam tamo i kontala u sebi -“woow, imam super kćerku!”.