I learned a new way to make pizza 🙂 It is easier than the other way where one has to roll out the dough.
Here one just mix the things and let it stand in the bowl. The dough, or rather the mixture is poured into the mold saving lots of time for me. With two kids that is crucial for me.
I find pizzas one of the best ways to get rid of things with expired dates. I admit I am one of these that actually try the food and use best before dates as a hint and not as a deadline for when to throw away food, so most of the things on the pizza turn out to be “old” things. And instead of throwing the things a whole family could eat a delicious pizza 🙂Naučila sam novi način kako praviti pizzu 🙂 Lakša je za napraviti nego ona što je moraš “razviti”.
Ovdje samo promiješaš sastoje i pustiš da stoji u sudu. Tijest onda uliješ/pospeš u tepsiju i tako sebi dosta vremena uštediš, što je meni bitno kad imam dvoje male djece.
Smatram pizze kao jedna od najboljih načina da se riješim stvari sa “ističe datum xx.xx.xx.” Priznajem jedna sam od onih što prvo proba hranu prije nego što je baci zato što je “stara”, (sestra se ježi kad to vidi), tako da je većina stvari ovaj put bila “stara” i umjesto da smo ih bacili u smeće napravili smo jako ukusnu pizzu koja je čitavu jednu familiju nahranila 🙂