Women and their pension/ Zene i Penzija

I often think about my future and what is the best thing I can do for Ada when she grows older and surprisingly often I end up thinking about my pension.
I ask myself what I can do to make my pension safe? I do not want to end up one day and be a problem for my daughter because I didn´t think of my pension in time. So she ends up feeling that she has to help me out. For me that is horrifying picture. Having no freedom of my own or of my daughter.

Therefore I believe that it is crucial, especially for our daughters,that they learn to consider and think about the future. That even when they are at home with their children and the husband is working, that part of his salary goes to HER pension savings. Be it a bought apartment, gold, saving account, stocks (funds) or buying land. Other things (even the saving account) do not really sound as an investment to me. I believe that the best is to be 100% independent and all the rest is just bonus.penzija

I was in a bank to get informed about private pension saving and it ended in me asking who is signing such criminal bad deals. They were suggesting me to save 10% of the gross salary for the pension. Consider a couple (together) earns 100 000 Euro gross per year (that is quite an average salary in Munich) should pay 10 000 euro (gross) for the private savings for the retirement. Imagine paying 10 000 euro/year for 20 years.  That is 200 000 euro ADDITIONAL to the public pension you pay for while working. With 200 000 euro you can pay off an apartment with in 20 years. If something happens to you the money YOU paid stay in the bank and do not go back to your family. If something happens and you need the money you are not allowed to take it out. I find it scandalous. In the end if you have this money it is better to buy an apartment and pay it off, at least you get something concretely out of it. You can always rent it out…instead of paying 200 000 euro and get some 50 euro more pension per month. To cut it short if you live in Germany and look for Riesterrente, don´t be a fool. Find another way to secure your pension income.
However, I do wonder if people in Balkan or in the world do talk about the pension and how to secure it? Do they talk with ther daughters about it? Or with each other? I really would like to know!
RiesterCesto razmisljam sta je ustvari najbolja stvar sto mogu Adi dati kad bude starija i cesto mi tu naumpade rijec penzija. Mozda je to isto u kombinaciji sa tim sto mi je zaradjena penzija  citavih 200 eura mjesecno… za sada…i sto sam kod kuce sa djetetom.
Postavim sebi pitanje sta ja ustvari mogu tu uraditi da sebi osiguram penziju? Ja necu da budem jednog dana na grbaci svom djetetu jer sam se zezala i govorila sta ako ne dozivim penziju.. i onda je dozivim. Pa onda zbog toga moje dijete “mora” meni “pomagati” – za mene je to strava i uzas. Cisti horor. Jezim se samo kad pomislim na to…Da ja nemam svoju slobodu…a ni Ada.

Zato mislim da je to jako bitno da se djeca, pogotovo zenska djeca, uce da razmisljaju o buducnosti, da cak i kad su kod kuce sa djecom da dio novca koju muz zaradjuje bude odvojen za maminu penziju. Bila to kupovina stana, zlata, stednje knjizice, dionica (fondova) ili zemljista. Ostale stvari (pa cak i stednja knjizica) mi ne zvuci kao neka investicija. U biti treba uvijek biti u takvoj poziciji da si uvijek 100% samostalna. A sve ostalo je bonus.

Bila sam na razgovor za privatnu penzionu stednju i na kraj razgovora sam ih pitala zar ima stvarno neko ko potpise te ugovore? Znaci oni su meni predlagali da dajemo 10% od svoje brutoplate, znaci jedan par koji godisnje (zajedno) zaradi 100 000 eura bruto platu bi bukvalno trebao davati 10 000 eura za penziju. 10 000*20 godina je = 200 000 eura. Znaci 200 000 eura DODATNO uplaceni za penziju. Ako se nesto desi, pare propadnu i ne pripadaju familiji. Ili ako hoces da izvuces pare u slucaju da ti trebaju ne mozes. Ja smatram i tako sam joj i rekla da je pametnije  uzeti stan i otplatiti 200 000 eura od stana na taj nacin, pa ako nista mogu ga izdavati i dobivati neke konkretne pare, a ne tih 50 eura koje mi poslije mjesecno nude. Znaci za ove u Njemackoj koji gledaju Riesterrente, ne budite budalasti. Nadjite drugi nacin da sebi osigurate penziju. Pitam se da li zene na balkanu uopste razmisljaju o tome i kako one sebi osiguravaju novac za neki neplanirani veliki trosak ili pak penziju? Da li se uopste o tome prica i sta se prica ako se prica? Bas me zanima…

stari post kako strukturirati svoju ekonomiju

Penzija…/ Retirement…

Upravo sam saznala da kad bih sad otisla u penziju dobijala bih silnih …. (cujete sada bubnjeve) …. 200 Eura!!! Znaci radim od 2003. Doduse 2003 do 2008 sam radila 100% a dobivala sam 50% platu. (Zapravo ne smije tako biti, ali eto tako je bilo u Njemackoj!) . Od 2009 do kraja 2013 sam radila puno radno vrijeme. Znaci da sumiram… Nemojte biti budalasti da ikad dodjete na ideju da doktorirate (t.j. ako niste placeni barem 100%). Da ne slazem. Bilo je super sto se tice ljudi. Srela ljude iz citavog svijeta, naucila se puno toga, i super je cool kad ti stoji Dr. negdje na kartici. Ali kad budem u penziji i dodje racun ne vjerujem da ce mi to bas nesto puno pomoci. Tako da cu ovih dana morati sjesti i preci moju (neegzistirajucu) ekonomiju i skontati strategiju stednje. Jer ruku na srce najbolji poklon mojoj kcerki je da nema roditelje koji su joj na grbaci…citat-till-bloggen

Today, I just found out  that if I would retire than I would have …(the drums are playing here)… the whole 200 Euro per month! I am working since 2003. Between 2003 and 2009, I did work 100% but only got 50% payed, which actually shouldn´t be happening. But it was and still is in Germany. I won´t lie, I had a great time meeting new friends from the whole world, and it is cool when it says Dr. on some cards BUT I don´t think it will help me out when I am retired and the bills come. So to sum up the whole situation. It makes no sense to do a PhD work unless you get fully payed for the time you are working. So now knowing that I will have this (non-existing) pension I´ll have to sit down and come up with an strategy for saving. Because to be honest, the best gift for my daughter is to have parents that are not dependent on her…