Yesterday, the famous movement of fascistic idiots, called Pegida, was demonstrating in Munich. To show how “horrifying” Muslims are and how “BAD” it will be when Germany gets “islamized” they even found a guy that called for prayer so everyone could hear the “adhan” in the center of Munich. I was horrified! But not of the adhan. For me that is (and it should be for everyone) as normal as hearing church clocks ringing. Both are in my opionion nice to hear but overrated but that is another story!
For a person that has not a limited mind hearing, in this case the adhan, should make the person feel if not relaxed then at least indifferent about it. In Germany and some more places everyone has the right to express their religion (as long as they follow the laws) and should also be comfortable to do that!
What scared me when I heard the adhan was how people reacted! They were all disgusted and terrified (?), talking silently about it with each other. There was hatred in their face and they were angry (?) to hear the adhan in the middle of the day in the middle of THEIR city. These are mostly people that consider themselves open minded and believe that this is a great thing with freedom of religion however with a big “BUT” …. The expression of their face said “f-k this “freedom of religion for everyone”. We do now want it! Go back where you came from”.
Thinking back and remembering the communist states. In this whole story, I find, the communist where much fairer in this subject. They simply put all religions in the same drawer calling them useless. No one was favored, no one forgotten, and all religions were considered crap.
Now we have a pseudo freedom of religion but as long as people on the streets react as they reacted yesterday, that freedom of religion is just a sentence on a paper with which one you can literally wipe your butt! With other words there is no religion of freedom here unless you believe in what we believe!Jucer je jedna poznata grupa fascistickih idiota zvani Pegida su demonstrirali u Minhenu. Da pokazu kako je to ”zastrasujuce” i kako ce biti ”grozno” kad se islamizira Njemacka nasli nekog covjeka koji je pozivao na molitvu i tako se u sred Minhena u sred bijela dana cuo ezan. Za mene ( a trebalo bi biti to zvakog) je normalno cuti ezan toliko koliko mi je normalno cuti crkvena zvona. Za moj pojam su obe ove stvari totalno nepotrebne ali to je druga prica…
Za osobe sa otvorenim pogledom svijeta, kad cuju ezan, trebale bi u biti da se osjecaju opusteni ili barem ravnodusni.
U Njemackoj i jos par drzava, svi imaju pravo da svoju religiju prakticiraju, dok se drze zakona.
Mene je prepala reakcija ljudi! U facama se vidjelo kako im je odvratno a i kako su prestraseni (?), pricali su tiho jedno sa drugima. Bila je mrznja u licima i bili su ljuti (?) da cuju ezan u sred bijela dana u sred njihovog grada. Ovo su ljudi koji vecinom o sebi misle kako su otvorenog uma i vjeruju da je sloboda religija jedna super stvar medjutim uvijek se tu uvuce jedno veliko ”ALI”…
Izraz njihovih lica je pricao drugu pricu poput – ”J-i ti ”slobodu religije za svakog”. Mi to necemo! Vratite se odakle ste dosli!
To me podsjeti na bivse komunsticke drzave. U citavoj prici su oni bili posteniji kad se prica o religiji. Oni su jednostavno sve religije stavili u jednu ladicu u nazvali je nepotrebnom. Ni jedna religija nije bila favorizirana niti je bila zaboravljena. Jednostavno su sve gledane kao smece. Sad imamo neku pseudoslobodu praktivovanja religija. Ali dok god obicni ljudi po ulicama reaguju onako kako su jucer reagovali, ta sloboda religija je samo jedna lijepa recenica na papiru sa kojim ti bukvalno mozes da guzicu obrises. Drugim rijecima ovdje nema slobode religija dok god ne vjerujes u ono sto mi vjerujemo!