Vacation / Odmor

I must say that I am quite privileged having the possibility to spend so much time on vacation. Of course I know also that it is a traditional “Frauenfalle” as the Germans would say. A woman trap when staying at home with the kids. However that subject I will write about another time. Now I just enjoy knowing that I could visit my family in Sweden, meet them in Bosnia and Croatia. We have had great time in Bosanska Krupa and Crikvenica and to the end in Pag. 
After travelling in these places I have been reminded of the impact nationalism and egoism have on these countries. I have had so many themes to talk about that I believe I could write a book. However, in time I maybe even write about it 🙂

Moram reći da imam prilično veliku privilegiju da mogu toliko dugo provesti na odmorima, ili bolje reći putovanjima. Ako je odmor putovati sa djecom to je već druga tema. Uglavnom znam isto tako da je to tipična zamka za žene da budu toliko dugo kod kuće sa djecom, ali to je tema za drugi put. Za sad samo uživam u tome da sam mogla sresti familiju i u Švedskoj i u Bosni i u Hrvatskoj. Bilo nam je baš onako lijepo u Bosanskoj Krupi, Crikvenici i na kraju na Pagu.
Nakon ovih putovanja sam isto podsječana na to šta nacionalizam i egoizam mogu da urade ovim državama. Toliko imam tema o kojima mogu pričati i pisati da mislim da bi bila u stanju knjigu napisati. Ko zna, možda nekada budem o tome nešto i napisala 🙂

2017 Pag

After 3 months (with exception of some few days of being in Karlsruhe) I finally came back to Karlsruhe. During these three months I have been in the energy boosting Sweden, in Croatia and in our summer house in Bosnia. I just love the life of travelling and I believe I could travel the whole year. I wonder how that will work when I start working again :/
During this time I have experienced so many things and I have so many things to write about and I hope I will get the time for it eventually.
Greetings for now! 🙂

Nakon 3 mjeseca (sa par dana izuzetka kad smo bili u Karlsruhe) smo se napokon vratili u Karlsruhe. Kroz ova tri mjeseca smo bili u energiju-davajuću  Švedsku, u Hrvatskoj i u našoj kući u Bosni. Stvarno volim život gdje se putuje i ubjeđena sam da bih mogla čitavu godinu putovati. Pitam se samo kako će to ići kad ponovo počnem raditi:/
Kroz ovo vrijeme sam dosta stvari doživjela koje hoću da zapišem i potrudiću se da ću nađem vremena za to. Pozdrav za sada 🙂

Almost 40 / Skoro pa 40

On the radio it is said that the heat will reach its peak today.That’s great news! Sitting at the beach I feel I am melting. It is so hot! The water is around 28 degrees. The wind feels like a hot hairdryer in a sauna. If I could I would stay in the water the whole day 🙂 Greetings from Pag!Danas su na radiju izjavili da će danas biti vrhunac toplog vremena. To je super! Na plaži sam i topim se. U vodi je oko 28 stepeni. Na plaži kad puhne vjetar isti je osjećaj kao kad puše vrel fen u sauni.Kad bih mogla ostala bih čitav dan u vodi 🙂 pozdrav sa Paga!9

End of vacation / Zavrsetak odmora

After almost 2.5 months travelling and visiting family Ensar came to Pag on Saturday morning to pick Ada and me up. We decided to leave directly in the evening, because half Europe is returning to their homes after vacations. On Monday Ensar is working so we didn’t want to stress back to manage to be back in time. Everything went fine until Karawanke tunnel. We literally sat there almost the whole night from 1.30h to 5.30h before we could come through the tunnel and then again we got stuck at the border. We were actually stuck in a traffic jam from Karawanke to Stuttgart. Starting around 20h on Saturday evening we arrived at 19h in Karlsruhe. We were so drop dead tired that I need another holiday again. Next time I will definitely check up the flights instead…
Before leaving we took a short walk in the city.
We left this… /  Ostavili smo ovo… IMG_4134 IMG_4138Nakon skoro 2.5 mjeseca putovanja i posjecivanja familije Ensar je dosao po Adu i mene na Pag. Odlucili smo krenuti za Njemacku isti dan da se ne bi trebali zuriti jer Ensar mora u ponedjeljak na posao. Sve je dobro proslo do Karavanke tunela. Tamo smo citavu noc morali cekati da ga prodjemo uopste, da bi nakon tunela opet stojali u redu na granici. U biti mi smo od Karavanki do Stuttgarta stojali konstantno u redu. Krenuli smo oko 20h a stigli smo tek u 19h slijedeci dan. Tako smo se izmorili od puta da nam treba novi odmor. Drugi put definitivno cu provjeriti letove…
Prije nego sto smo krenuli prosetali smo gradom.

and got this… / a dobili ovo…

Early morning / Rano jutro

This morning Ada woke up way too early. Yesterday we went to the city for an ice cream. Ada liked it so much that at 5.00h this morning it was time to go to the city again for an ice cream. Even if the morning was beautiful I just feel that it would have been more beautiful had I slept a little bit longer :p 20160819_20173720160819_193105 20160819_19300520160820_064141Ovog jutra se Ada prerano probudila. Sinoc smo otisle u grad na sladoled i Adi se to toliko svidjelo da je odlucila jutros u 5.00h da opet ide u grad na sladoled. Iako je jutro predivno vjerujem da bi jos ljepse bilo da sam se mogla naspavati 🙂

Greetings from Pag / Pozdrav sa Paga

Last week of the vacation before Ada starts the kindergarten I decided to come back to Pag so that Ada could spend the week with her grandmother and cousin. Until know we have great luck with the weather and Ada loves to swim around so I feel this was a good decision. Greetings from Pag! 20160815_172111Zadnju sedmicu odmora prije nego sto Ada krene u vrtic smo odlucili provesti na Pagu sa Adinom i nanom rodicom. Imamo srece sa vremenom i uz to Ada obozava brckanje po moru tako da je ovo bila dobra odluka. Puno pozdrava sa Paga!

Bad but great weather / Lose ali super vrijeme

Today, I woke up to a rather stormy weather. I thought I will get sad about missed opportunity of sunbathing but au contraire. It turned out I needed a day off the beach and a day connected to the internet. I had some bills to deal with and I felt I wanted to sit more intense and write down many things that are keeping rolling in my mind. My brain starts to spin at light speed sometimes and then writing or reading are the best things that cools my brain down. And with this view it ain´t too bad to just relax such a day 😀bad weatherDanas, sam se probudila uz prilicno nevrijeme. Mislila sam da ce mi biti malo krivo zbog profulane prilike za suncanje i kupanje ali upravo je bilo obratno. Ispalo je na kraju da mi je trebao dan “odmora” od plaze i dan kad imam dostup internetu. Imala sam par racuna za platiti i htjela sam malo intenzivnije se posvetiti i zapisati dosta stvari koje mi se trenutno vrte u glavi. Ponekad mi mozak krene trista na sat pa mi je jedini nacin da se smirim da pisem ili da citam. I sa ovakvim pogledom nije bas da mi je bilo lose 😀

City of Pag / Grad Pag

Yesterday we reached our next destination Pag. On the way we took the ferry tl the Island of Pag which was highly appreciated by Ada. First thing we did  when arriving to the city of Pag was to take a refreshing bath in the sea. That must be one of the greatest things one can do after a road trip a really hot summerday. (P.s isn’t Ensars hair just too wonderful?)20160731_170556Jucer smo stigli na nasu slijedecu destinaciju Pag. Isli smo trajektom sto se jako svidjelo Adi. Prvu stvar sto smo uradili kad smo stigli je bilo kupanje u moru. To mora biti jedna od najboljih stvari koju mozes uraditi nakon jednog duzeg puta po velikim vrucinama. (P.s zar nije friz od Ensara predobar ?)