‘The irresistible power of money, a lever that can lift the world. Love and money are the only things.’
The unscrupulous Saccard builds up a new bank with the only goal to increase the stock price. People start buying stocks when they notice the prices are rising not knowing why the price is ricing. Most people also fall in love with there stocks. They start counting the value of the rising prices and they dream about what they will do with that much money once they sell them.
However, when is the time to sell? When is it enough? How much do they really have? When will the system break down?
A fantastic book describing how greed can catch anyone no matter young or old, poor or rich. Everyone wants the rich sweet life with fast money…
Emile Zola wrote about the stock market and the greed of people from his time but the same greed and feelings are involved today in our economic system. A book well worth reading.“Neodoljivi moć novca, poluga koja može podići svijet. Jedine stvari koje to mogu su ljubav i novac.’
Beskrupulozni Saccard gradi novu banku, s jedinim ciljem, da poveća cijenu dionica. Kad ljudi primjete da cijena dionica samo raste počinju da ih ludo kupuju iako ne poznaju razlog rasta.
Većina ljudi se zaljubljuju u svoje dionice. Počinju računati vrijednost dionica i koliko će zaraditi štame šta će raditi sa toliko para kad ih prodaju. Ali kad je vrijeme za prodaju? Kada je dovoljno novca za život? Da li je ikad dosta? Kada će se sistem srušiti?
Fantastična knjiga koja opisuje kako pohlepa može uhvatiti svakoga bio mlad ili star, siromah ili bogat. Svi hoće bogat sladak život brzim novcem. Emile Zola je pisao o tržištu dionica i pohlepa ljudi iz njegovog vremena, ali je tako dobro pisana da se jedan na jedan može prenijeti u današnje dane. Knjiga definitivno vrijedna čitanja.