
Finally, I went to Neuschwanstein. This is one thing off my bucket list. The day started by a 1.5h trip to Hohenschwangau, where the castle is located. My two cousins Sejla and Amina where also coming with us.
Arriving in Hohenschwangau we had to take the ticket and that is when we got very surprised how many people there were. The whole city was crowded by tourists. We had to wait for 1.5h to be able to buy the tickets to Neuschwanstein. We got tickets where the tour was at 16:25h, and it was only 14.30h. To take the bus to the Neuschwanstein, one has to wait another 1-2hrs, so we decided to take the 30-40 minute walk to the castle. When we finally arrived to the castle and entered the castle we had a guided tour that took 35 minutes.
The guided tour was a joke. We were allowed to see 3-4 rooms and we were not allowed to take any pictures inside the castle. We didn´t even get the time to enjoy the rooms because there was another group already knocking at the door. Neuschwanstein as a castle is an architectonic masterpiece, but all the rest around is a masterpiece of commercialism. You pay, you get half an hour glimpse into the castle and then you are shuffled out to a souvenir shop. Despite this, I enjoyed the wonderful day with my daughter and husband, and my two wonderful cousins.

Napokon, sam otisla da vidim poznati Neuschwanstein. Dan je poceo sa 1.5h voznje do Hohenschwangau, gdje taj dvorac bude. Moje dvije teticne Sejla i Amina su nam se isto pridruzile.
Kad smo stigle u Hohenschwangau i kad smo trebale kupiti karte zacudile, ili bolje reci, sokirale smo se koliko je naroda. Citav grad je pun puncat turista. Trebali smo cekati 1.5h da dodjemo na red da kupimo karte. Uspijeli smo da karta u 14.30h a vodic, jer se samo moze vodicem kroz dvorac, nam je tek bio u 16.25h zakazan. Da bi autobusom otisli do dvorca, trebali bi cekati 1-2h red, tako da odlucimo da se popnemo pjesce. Mogu reci da je to penjanje i te kako dobar trening. Noge su mi otpale dok sam gore stigla.
Kad smo stigli do dvorca i kad smo usli u dvorac imali smo vodica kojeg nas je za nekih 35 minuta kroz par soba proveo. Nismo smjeli slikati, a vodic je bio totalno bezveze. Nismo imali ni vremena da stanemo u sobama da stvarno pogledamo sobe, jer je vec slijedeca grupa kucala na vratima. Neuschwanstein je arhitektonsko remekdjelo, a sve ostalo je remekdjelo komercijalizma. Platis, dobijes pola sata da gledas dvorac i onda te samo dalje gurnu u suvenirsku radnju. Ipak nakon svega sam uzivala u prelijepom danu sa kcerkom, muzom i mojim divnim rodicama.IMG_3322