Positive things in Bosnia – Jewelry / Pozitivno iz Bosne – Nakit

One thing I love when I come to Tuzla  is to visit the jewelry Korzo. They make the jewelry themselves and they have an unique collection. I like their work that is a combination of middle east jewelry that is quite kitschy and western that is too simple for me. This ring is a new years gift from my husband and my daughter loved it 😀20160103_105403_resized

20151230_125349_resized  20151230_125313_resizedZlatni Nakit:
U Tuzli ima zlatara Korzo, gdje sami rade svoj nakit i imaju prelijepe kolekcije koje su mjesavina između arapskog kiča i zapadnjačkog prejednostavnog stila. Volim otići u zlataru samo da parim oči kako kaže moja dobra prijateljica. A desi se i da kupim ponešto. Ovaj prsten koji Ada pokazuje je novogodišnji poklon od mog muža 😀


Skladistenje nakita

Za one sto imaju puno nakita a hoce da imaju pregled, evo ideje sa Ikeahackera.  Kod mene je katastrofa sto se tice nakita. Pogotovo za zlatni nakit i POGOTOVO nakon toga sto mi je obijen stan bio. Nije bas da hocu sve na jednom mjestu da drzim. Ustvari najbolje je sve sto imas staviti na sebe kao ova mlada indijka na svojoj udaji  🙂

Pic shows: Bride was covered in gold for the wedding in India. An Indian sweet maker made sure his daughter was the golden girl at her upcoming wedding by covering her in gold jewellery worth more than 400,000 GBP. The man who was not named nevertheless came under fire after it was revealed he needed a police guard to protect him and his daughter as they turned up covered in gold for the wedding in India's southern Andhra Pradesh state. Police spokesman Sandeep Kumar in Tirupati, a holy city known for its famous temple of Lord Vishnu, confirmed that the man and his daughter, who he declined to name, had worn gold jewellery throughout the ceremony. He said: "It is not a crime to wear such a large amount of gold, but there could have been a crime once people heard about it. We just wanted to make sure there were no problems in advance." The move was widely condemned on social media sites once the images from a mobile phone was shared, with people branding it both humiliating and shocking. Indians, one of the world's largest consumers of gold, spend huge amounts in buying gold jewellery for family weddings, and recently several wealthy Indians have been seen sporting shirts made out of solid gold thread. This father of the bride reportedly made his millions from selling confectionery in India. (ends)
Na slici: mlada (indijka) u vjencanici i nakitom od 400 000 Funti!!!




Jewels / Nakit

I saw these in a swedish store and just found them fabulous 🙂 Maybe something for my next birthday 🙂

0722413_front_normaland not such good pictures :)…

nakit 2 nakit

18K zlato, 2 diamanta 0,02 ct,  Citrin,Granat, Peridot, Rhodolit i Topas… 3689 kr,
Vidjela sam ovaj predivni nakit u jednom svedskom butiku zlata (Guldfynd). Dobar poklon za moj slijedeci rodjendan 😉

Dionice- VJ Since 1890

Pratim vec neko duze vrijeme dionice od VJ Since 1890. Firma proizvodi nakit. Prosle godine su uspjeli otplatiti dio duga, brze nego planirano. Sad su preuzeli dodatnu firmu i samim tim otvorili dodatno trziste. Ovo mi je cisto onako kockanje (neki trose u cigare pare ,a drugi u ovo 😛 ) , ali nadam se da ce upaliti… 🙂  Za sada sam 5% u plusu pa je steta sto nemam puno puno vise da ulozim…


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