I met a person in Bosnia bringing me to think. This person works as a medical doctor, earns 1500 KM per month (average salary is 838 KM), lives in Bosnia, has a car, a big house and so on.
This person works Mondays to Fridays, 7.30h -16h, but is not pleased with it so this person is moving to Germany. (I do understand people without employment do this). This person says – “there is no future for the children”. This person became a medical doctor, so I am not really sure of what kind of perspective it expects. I would be happy if my daughter becomes a medical doctor, no matter where in world it would be.
Now I am thinking about why a person having a normal fine life, close to family (which one cannot pay to be honest) wants to leave Bosnia and change to have the life of a medical doctor in Germany?
When I was working at one of the biggest clinics in Munich I saw that life that doctors where having.
They are working for days. They don´t get out from the clinic for days. Having families or not. Of course the salaries are better but also the costs are much higher. Working hours Monday to Friday to 15.30-16h are not heard of. Especially if you want to have a career in that profession.
Realistically that means that if a highly educated person, ready to invest so much time and energy in Germany, to MAYBE in 10 years get to the point where it is now in Bosnia, not to mention if it will EVER have the possibility to live in a house or a big apartment (at least if it works in bigger cities where there is some “perspective”) WHY is this person then not motivating itself to invest that amount of energy and time in its profession and politics to change things in its homeland? I can almost guarantee that it would have much more effect and impact for the future of their children than anywhere else. Or is it important to go to Germany because “everyone” goes there, even though it means downgrading of its personal, professional, familial and financial status? Can someone please explain this escape at any cost?
Srela sam jednu osobu u Bosni koja me dovela do razmisljanja. Radi kao doktor, zaradjuje 1500 KM mjesecno (prosjecna plata je 838 KM), zivi u Bosni, ima kucu, auto itd.
Radi od ponedjeljka do petka, od 7.30- 16h. Ali osoba nije zadovoljna hem se seli za “Dojcland” (razumijem one nezaposlene da idu). Kaze – “Nema tu perspektive za djecu” (osoba je postala doktor tako da ne znam o kakvoj perspektivi za djecu se prica onda. Sretna bih bila da moja kcerka postane doktor gdje god da bila).
Sad ja onako gledam i razmisljam zasto jedna osoba koja ima jedan regularan sasvim fin zivot medju svojim voljenima (koje, ako cemo pravo ne mozes platiti novcem) hoce da ide negdje van Bosne da bi zamijenila svoj zivot za jedan doktorski zivot u Njemackoj.
Kad sam radila u jednoj od najvecih klinika u Minhenu vidjela sam taj doktorski zivot.
Tamo se radi od jutra do sutra. Ne izlazi se danima iz klinike. Imali familiju ili ne. Ima se bolja plata, ali i kostanja su puno veca. Kao doktor da radi od ponedjeljka do petka do 15.30-16h je prosto necuveno. Barem ako hoces neku ”perspektivu” u toj profesiji.
Realno gledajuci to znaci da ako je jedna visoko skolovana osoba vec spremna da toliko vremena i energije ulozi u Njemacku da bi za nekih 10 godina MOZDA dostigla stepen koji ima sada u Bosni, a da ne pricam o tome hoce li IKADA imati mogucnost da zivi u kuci ili nekom vecem stanu (barem ako radi po malo vecim gradovima gdje postoji ta neka perspektiva) zasto se takva osoba onda ne motivise da istu tu energiju ulozi u svoje zanimanje, u politiku (bez toga ne moze) da promijeni nesto i garantujem da bi za 10 godina daleko vece uspijehe imala kod kuce i napravila bi daleko vecu perspektivu za svoju djecu nego sto ce ikada u Njemackoj ili negdje drugo. Ili je bitno otici u Njemacku jer svako ide tamo iako to znaci za degradiranje svog licnog profesionalnog, familijarnog i materijalnog statusa? Moze li mi neko objasniti ovu bjezaniju pod svaku cijenu?