Today, I went to Munich Residenz for the first time. I expected an interesting museum but saw a grandiose one. The rooms were so spectacular that one could spent hours watching them. And I have never seen so much gold at one place (except churches) as here. Truly amazing. On the other hand it makes me wonder what kind of a system it was when people here were literally starving, while the rich ones were having tons of gold… In any case I took so many pictures that the next round will be published tomorrow.
Danas sam bila u Minhenskoj residenciji po prvi put. Očekivala sam jedan interesantan muzej ali to što nas je dočekalo je bilo grandiozno. Sobe su spektakularne i mogla bih ih satima gledati. I nikad nisam toliko zlata na jednom mjestu vidjela (osim u crkvi). Zaista nevjerovatno. U drugu ruku se pitam kakav je to sistem bio, kad su ljudi bukvalno umirali od gladi dok su bogati imali toliko tona zlata…U svakom slučaju…toliko sam slika snimila da ću slijedeću rundu sutra pokazati…