Potatoe / Krompir

Imagine that once upon a time there where over 20 000 different kinds of potatoes! Today most of them are in the genbank. In Germany only some 150 are left, and in the common supermarkets not more than a dozen are sold. Quite a sad destiny considering its 9000 year history!
Zamislite da je nekad u Europi bilo preko 20 000 vrsta krompira, ali je danas vecina samo za pronaci u genbanci.U Njemackoj se jede jos samo nekih 150 sorti od kojih se u velikim supermarketima u biti samo jos nalazi nekih dvadesetak. Zalosno kad skontas da je krompir nekih 9 000 godina star!




Tollwood is a festival that I would cordly recommend for the ones that have the possibility to visit Munich. There are a couple of huge tents where bazaars are located. There is also one tenth called the world salon with exhibitions with new themes every year, and a tent with all possible international restaurants. The bazaars are full of unique handcraft why the price is according to that. Nonetheless there are beautiful things one can see. Between these tents there are stands selling souvenirs, sweets, food, glühwein and so on. There are also quite a number of bars where one can take a glühwein or good bavarian beer. This year at the entrance of Tollwood stands an army of humans made of trash (cans). It is impressive and made me reflect about the society we live in…how much trash we produce but also how we see human beings. As trash!
In the world saloon the theme of the year is the “value of survival”. How can we get a steadier life with one another? What is happiness? How much less is more?
20151208_162138_resized_2Tollwood je jedan festival, kojeg bi preporučila svakom ko ima priliku da posjeti Minhen. Ima par šatora u kojima se nalaze pijace sa svakakvim ručno pravljenim unikatima, tako da su i cijene više nego na jednoj ”običnoj” pijaci. Ima jedan šator hrane, sa internacionalnim jelima kao i šator sa muzikom uživo. Između šatora su postavljeni barovi, štandovi robe, slatkiša, hrane i ”glühwein”, što je u principu kuhano vino. Šatori su ogromni tako da ima i sta vidjeti.
Ove godine na ulazu Tollwooda stoji armija statua napravljena od smeca (konzervi).
Dosta impozantno vidjeti i mene je navelo da razmisljam o nasem zivotu sto se tice koliko proizvodimo smece, ali isto kako danasnji sistem gleda ljude kao smece. Inace u salonu svijeta se ove godine prelazi tema “Vrijednost prezivljavanja”. Kako doci do mirnijeg zivota jedni s drugima? Sta je sreca? Koliko manje je ustvari vise?