The first night without being with Ada went fine. I slept like a baby. Next stop was towards Västerås airport. On the way a truck driver was texting and reading from his phone not thinking of that his truck was crossing the files. Luckily, we were at the end of the truck so we breaked like hell and nothing happened. I got mad because I hate idiots texting or reading nessages while driving. If you do it STOP it because it endangers other peoples lives.
In any case, we arrived to the airport healthy and excited. The airport is cute and small.
Now next stop is Keflavik airport and then directly we are going to the Blue Lagoon. The journey is on!!!
Prva noc bez Ade je prosla super. Spavala sam k’o beba. Slijedeca stanica je bila Västerås aerodrom.
Na putu je vozac kamiona tipkao na telefonu i tako skrenuo na nasu traku. Srecom smo ga taman poceli prestizati tako da smo jako zakocili i nista se nije desilo. Ako tipkate kad vozite PRESTANITE sa tim. Mozete tako nekog ubiti.
Uglavnom, stigli smo citave na aerodrom i skroz smo uzbudjene. Slijedeca destinacija je Keflavik aerodrom i onda direkt idemo u plavu lagunu. Juhuu 🙂