There is something magical with the spring and how all nature wakes up from the winter sleep. We went to the Karlsruhe Castle park to enjoy the 24 degrees and the beautiful day.
Here, for the first time, Adrian experienced to lay on the grass and to touch it with his small little hands. It was fun to watch his reaction. He was like a little scientist checking it all out touching, smelling, watching. He was playing with it for some 10 minutes which is an eternity in his world. He loved it 🙂
Ima nešto čarobno kad proljeće dođe i priroda se probudi iz svog zimskog sna. Otišli smo do Karlsruhe palače i uživali smo u 24 stepena i u prelijepom danu. Ovdje je po prvi put Adrian legao na i dirao travu. Bilo je zanimljivo gledati njegovu reakciju. Bio je poput malog naučnika mirisao je, dirao je i gledao je travu. Igrao se travom sigurno nekih 10 minuta što je u njegovom svijetu jedna vječnost. Pravo je uživao 🙂