Inspiration children room / Inspiracija za djeciju sobu

We need to prepare a new room for Ada and we want it to be the perfect place for a child to play. Of course I started to check through the net and I found so many things that I would love to have. I am jealous at people that have this wonderful gift of making even a stone look beautiful and with tight budgets they make a room look like a fairy tale.
The one thing I learned though is that when furnishing the room there should be three colors that are used as a base and all other colors are then introduced by the decorations.
I think for Ada´s room we will use white, beige and…good question. I would like to have pink and my husband wants green. Probably in the end it will turn something as exciting as … grey 😛 Screenshot_15
Just loved this tent / Ovaj sator mi je genijalan.

Hocemo da pripremimo Adi djeciju sobu i hocemo da bude perfektno mjesto za igranje. Naravno, pocela sam da trazim inspiraciju po internetu i nasla sam toliko stvari koje bih voljela imati. Ljubomorna sam na ljude koje uspiju da naprave krasne stvari cak od obicnog kamena, tako da iako imalu malo para naprave sobe koje su kao iz bajke.
Jednu stvar sam se uglavnom naucila a to je da kad se soba uredjuje da trebas izabrati maksimalno tri boje koje su kao baza. A sve ostale boje se onda dekoracijom unesu.
Mislim da cemo u Adinoj sobi imati bijelu, bez i jos neku… ja sam za rozu, a muz za zelenu boju. Tako da ce najvjerovatnije na kraju ispasti nesto uzbudljivo poput … sive boje 😛

Playing with leafs / Igra sa liscem

During the walk in nature with Ada we collected some leafs to play with later. Since, I have no clue what to do with it except that something can be done I decided to look for some inspiration at internet. I got so inspired while seeing these pictures of what can be made by leafs. I love the autumn, and now when there are literally tons of leafs everywhere that would be to bad not to use it in a fun way. Here are some pics that I hope will inspire you

Kad smo bile u setnji Ada i ja ponijele smo malo lisca da bi se mogle igrati sa tim kasnije. Znam da se nesto moze od lisca praviti, ali nemam pojma sta, tako da sam trazila malo inspiracije po internetu. Vidjela sam ove slike i pstala sam tako  inspirisana. Svasta se moze uraditi sa liscem. Volim jesen i sad pogotovo kad su tone lisca svugdje, steta bi bila da se ne iskoristi za igru. Evo par slika koje se nadam da ce vam dati inspiracije za igru sa djecom.bouquet


pictures taken from kokokids blog

Irregular choice

Today, despite beautiful weather I feel a little bit uninspired. My arms hurt from lifting Ada and I just wait for the weekend when Ensar can help me out with her. Whenever I am uninspired I like looking at different things like arts, interior design, travels and so on. Now I just saw some very cool shoes that are more arts than shoes. I love them. Pictures are taken from here

Danas, iako je lijepo vrijeme se osjecam malo neinspirisana. Ruke me bole od dizanje Ade i jedva cekam vikend da mi Ensar malo pomogne sa njom. Inace kad se god osjecam malo neinspirisana volim gledati umjetnost, ili interijer, putovanja i tako to. Sad sam upravo vidjela jako cool interesantne cipele koje su u mojim ocima vise umjetnost nego cipele. Predobre su… Slike su sa njihove stranice

A little inspiration / Malo inspiracije

I am always fascinated by people that manage to keep order of small things at home and even more of people making things beautiful. In the first picture a glas jar is spruced up with colors and nice holders. I wouldn´t be surprised if my friend Lejla makes this at home 😛
The garage for small cars is just too cute, and one can even color the toilet rolls to get the colors fit.
And finally the cables. I´m not  a fan of them. They make the room look so untidy. However, now I got inspiration of these pictures so maybe this is something that I will do in the future. I just have to start collecting toilet rolls 😀

Uvijek me fasciniraju ljudi koji uspiju sacuvati red u kuci I koji od jednostavni, pomalo dosadnih stvari naprave lijepe stvari. Recimo ove staklene teglice bas izgledaju slatke kad se poklopac ofarba i doda se lijep neki drzac. Ne bih me cudilo kad bi moja prijateljica Lejla to napravila 🙂
A garaza za auta je preslatka. A da bude jos bolja mogu se toalet role i ofarbati da boje budu u sklopu.
I ovi vjecni kablovi. Ugrgrgh. Ne volim kad imam stotinu kablova koji se zapetljaju i gdje treba i gdje ne treba. Soba mi tako djeluje neuredna kad vidim zapetljane kablove. A ovdje su uzeli toaletrole malo ih dekorirali i super (barem bolje nego prije) izgleda. To je definitivno nesto sto cu morati probati. Samo prvo moram poceti sakupljati role 😀

The pictures are from the blog förvaringsdrottningen