Hysteria / Histerija

When a person is drowning they usually panic and grab everyone that is trying to save them. That is dangerous because they try to “climb” the person to get to the surface and thus can kill the supposed to be savior.
I was thought on a course that in these moments there are two things one can do to to force him/ her let go off you 1) is to dive deeper and the person will let you go, because he wants to the surface or 2) is to knock him out.  I always wondered if it possible to knock a person out in the water.
Two days back all this came back to me when a hysterical Ada screamed in front of me. It was real hysteria and I was wondering in that moment if it isn´t better to slap her ( just for notice, I didn´t slap her) to calm her down, than looking how she is hysterically crying for an hour.. not able to calm her down.
I have always been and I am against hitting children, but in this moment I really remembered the story of drowning people and I started to wonder if is possible that there is some truth behind the way how to calm them down?
For something that felt like an eternity we were trying to clam Ada down by talking and hugging. In the end she was so exhausted that she fell asleep. I felt so sad for her. The whole thing with moving, kindergarten and a new brother that is taking her mother away was simply too much for her. How do You deal with a hysterical child?
Kad se osoba počne gušiti obično paničari i hvata se za svakog što hoće da mu pomogne. To je opasno jer se probava “popeti” na površinu preko osobe i tako može ugušiti „spasioca“.

Na jednom kursu sam učila da u ovakvim situacijama možeš dvije stvari uraditi da smiriš osobu (sebe spasiš) 1) zaroniti dublje i osoba će vas pustiti jer hoće prema površini ili 2) nokoutirati (k.o) ga. Pitam se doduše da li je moguće nokoutirati jednu osobu, koja paničari u vodi?

Prije dva dana je Ada imala histerični napad i sjetila sam se gore napisane situacije. Upitala sam se da li je moguće da u ovakvom slučaju bolje dijete po guzici udariti (nisam je udarila) nego pustiti da dva sata histeriše? Ada doslovno nije bila kontaktibilna (je li se tako kaže?) koliko je vrištala. Uvijek sam bila protiv toga da se djeca tuku, ali kad sam vidjela ovo onda nisam mogla a da se ne upitam da li bi bolje bilo za Adu da sam je malo po guzi lupila?
Adu smo grlili i ljubili, pazili i mazili i onda je nakon tog napada bila toliko umorna da je zaspala. Bilo mi je pravo žao jer sam vidjela koliko se patila. Doživljava sve odjednom- selidbu u novi grad, vrtić, brata koji će joj „uzeti“ mamu i sve to joj je jednostavno previše postalo. Kako se vi bočite dječijim histerijama?