A couple of days ago there was this horrifying information on the news. They said that 5835 refugee children are missing… only in Germany. Of these 555 children are under 14 years old. Many are supposed to have moved on to relatives in other countries.I still feel awkward that the authorities do not know where 5835 people are. Can you imagine a village just disappears in Germany and no one knows a thing about it? I find it horrifying.
Especially, when it is known that these children are very easy target to pedophiles as sex slaves, and other criminals using them as slaves or as organ donors. I do not know why but I feel quite uncomfortable with it. Imagine that one has seen one such child not even knowing it!
The police are trying to catch a couple of terrorists meanwhile thousands of children are gone.. in the middle Europe and no one knows where they are. Maybe they should rather try to find the children instead…horrifying
Prije nekoliko dana su na vijestima bile uzasne vijesti. Saznali smo da je  samo u Njemackoj nestalo 5835 maloljetnika !!! Od tih su 555 ispod 14 godina. Mnoga djeca su, pretpostavlja se, nastavila svojoj rodbini u ostalim drzavama po EU, ali ipak mi se osjeca cudno da se ne zna gdje je 5835 ljudi. Zamislite da jedno selo tako nestane a niko ne zna gdje su. Meni je to strasno. Pogotovo kad se zna da su ova djeca vrlo lagana meta pedofilima i ostalim kriminalcima koji se bave robovlasnistvom ili trgovinom organa. Meni to daje jako neugodan osjecaj. Zamislite da ste vidjeli takvo jedno dijete? A ne znate. Policija probava uhvatiti par terorista dok je na hiljade djece nestali i to u sred Evrope a da niko ne zna gdje su. Mozda im je pametnije da nadju tu djecu.


