Yesterday, I had a day off from Ada and my husband and thus spent the day with a friend. She showed me a perfume of the house Jo Malone that I really liked and since I haven´t bought a perfume in ages I decided to buy myself a gift. Is there anything better than a gift bough for yourself by yourself? I choose the one of cardamom and .mimosa.
The company Jo Malone was founded 1994, by Joanne Lesly Malone. She had a severe dyslexia ending in leaving the school without any qualifications. It is impressive that despite dyslexia she managed to build up a company that strong that she in 1999 could sell it to Estée-Lauder for “undisclosed millions”. What is interesting with these perfumes is that they are made in such way that one can mix them with other scents of the same brand. Probably, one can do it with other perfumes also, I just never thought of if. )
Jucer, sam imala “slobodan” dan od Ade i Ensara pa sam ga provela sa prijateljicom. Pokazala mi je parfeme iz kuce Jo Malone koje su mi se pravo svidjeli. Kako nisam sto godina kupila ni jedan parfem odlucim sebi uzeti jedan od kardamom i mimoze. Ima li ista bolje nego poklon koji sam sebi kupis?
Firma Jo Malone je pravljena 1994 od Joanne Lesly Malon. Ona je imala tesku disleksiju i skolu je napustila bez ikakvih kvalifikacija. Zato je impresivno da je uspijela u tako kratkom roku napraviti firmu koju je vec 1999 prodala za “nepoznate”milione koncerni Estée-Lauder.
Sto je zanimljivo ovim parfemom je da se mogu mijesati sa drugim mirisima iz njihove linije. Vjerovatno se to moze i sa drugim parfemima, samo sto se ja to nikad nisam sjetila:)