Books 2017 / Knjige 2017

I was thinking it would be fun to see a list of all the books I have read just to remind myself. I found the page where one can list the books read and one can also make a list of books that one would like to/going to read. I am now thinking of what books I have read this year, but can only remember these ones which makes me more motivated to read more books next year.

Razmišljala sam kako bi bilo zanimljivo imati listu svih knjiga što sam pročitala samo da me podsjeti ponekad i naletim na gdje možeš tako te liste praviti. Liste koje knjige si čitao ili koje bi voljeli čitati. Razmišljam koje sam knjige pročitala ove godine i samo se mogu sjetiti ovih i čini mi se premalo  ali me isto tako to motiviše da ih još pročitam.

1, Min hemlighet -Petter Stordalen
Translated to My secret. The book is written by the billioner Petter Stordalen. I liked the book because it was interesting to hear about his different way of thinking.
Moja tajna- Milijarder Petter Stordalen o sebi piše i zanimljivo je čitati o neobicnom načinu kako on razmišlja.

2. Finansiellt överflöd-Cathrin Nilsson, Annalena Mellblom
Financial abundance. A simple book that I feel is copying the ideas of “Eat that frog”. If you are not interested in economy then this book is a good start.
Financijski višak pisale Cathrin Nilsson i Annalena Mellblom. Meni se čini da su mnoge ideje ustvari preuzete od Eat that Frog. Ako te ne zanima ekonomija onda je ova knjiga možzda i dobar početak.

3. Sell-Fredrik Eklund
Fredrik, top one broker, explains his way of thinking and gives some advices.  The way he looks at the world is that you are selling yourself everywhere, in all areas in your life..which is true in a way.
Ok book.

Prodaja- Fredrik Eklund
Fredrik, top jedan broker, objašnjava svoj način razmišljanja i daje par dobrih savjeta. Njegov pogled svijeta  je da se sve svugdje prodaje, čak i sam sebe prodaješ da bolje prođeš .. što je na neki način istina iako okruto zvuči
Ok knjiga.

4. The monk who sold his Ferrari-Robin Sharma- Here again I feel many ideas come  from “Eat that frog” except that the book uses stories to explain the ideas. The idea is fine but I believe that if you really want to change your life than the book Eat that Frog is better.
Monah koji je prodao svog Ferrarija-Robin Sharma-
Ponovo osjećam mnogo ideja iz knjige “Eat that frog”, samo što se koriste priče da objasne ideje. Ideja je u redu, ali verujem da ako stvarno želite da promijeniti svoj život onda je knjiga “Eat that frog” bolja.

5. Sapiens-Yuval Noah Harari
This book was full with interesting information and mostly I liked the book. However, there where parts in the book where the writer comments into political and religious ideas that I personally found where wrong conclusions based on the information provided. 
Sapiens-Yuval Noah Harari
Ova knjiga je bila puna interesantnih informacija i većinom je fantastična knjiga. Međutim, postoje dijelovi u knjizi gdje pisac komentariše političke i religijske ideje koje ja lično smatram da su pogrešni zaključci zasnovani na pružene informacije.

I feel I have read so few books and for year 2018 I decided that one of my challenges will be to read at least one book per month. So do you guys want to join my challenge? What book(s) where your favourites in 2017?

Osjećam da sam pročitala premalo knjiga i za 2018. godinu sam odlučila da će jedan od mojih izazova biti čitati najmanje jednu knjigu mjesečno. Da li želite da se pridružite mom izazovu? Koje su vaše omiljene knjige u 2017?


I love books, but with two small kids a ton of things to do at home I hardly ever have time to read any. If I am lucky I manage to read half a page or a page, before I have to go or I fall asleep.
My sister told me thus about Storytel which is a company selling audiobooks. In general I am not a fan of listening to books because I simply have problem concentrating on the book but despite that I decided to test it.
I started with the book Sell of Fredrik Eklund. It takes 9h to listen to the book. The positive thing is that I am half way through a book, a interesting book my I say. However, I find that the reading is a little slow, I am a fast reader so I would probably be able to read the book 6 hrs if I had the time to really sit down… but I don’t which makes this a better choice than not reading at all.
There are tons of books I want to “read” in their library, so I will definitely continue with Storytel. I like the concept and I believe it will spread more which makes it interesting also as an investment in buying stocks. I have them on my watchlist for the moment.

Volim knjige, ali sa dvoje male djece i hiljadu stvari za uraditi, skoro pa nikad nemam vremena da išta čitam. Ako imam sreće pročitam usput pola stranice, možda jednu prije nego što moram ići ili jednostavno zaspem.
Sestra mi je ispričala za Storytel što je firma koja prodaje audio knjige. Inače nisam neki ljubitelj slušanja knjiga jer vrlo brzo gubim koncentraciju kad nešto drugo počnem raditi, ali sam ipak odlučila to probati.
Počela sam sa knjigom “Sell- (Prodaj) od Fredrik Eklund. Traje 9h da je poslušam. Do sad sam već prošla pola knjige, interesanta je. Međutim, malo mi sporo čita knjigu jer sam ja inače brz čitalac pa bih sigurno mogla za 6h da pročitam knjigu da imam vremena… ali ga nemam tako da je ova opcija bolja nego da ništa ne ćitam.
U biblioteci od Storytel ima tona knjiga koje hoću da poslušam tako da ću definitivno nastaviti sa Storytel. Sviđa mi se koncept i mislim da će se sve više širiti u svijetu što čini ovo isto interesantno kao investicija. Trenutno Storytel dionice držim na oku.