In my deepest misery I was buying medicaments like people buy candies. I said to myself, when I get better I will go to the city and I will buy anything I need.
Last week then I felt a little bit better and went for a spontaneous coffee with a friend…ending up in Tk-maxx AND Roppenheim outlet in France. I bought 3 pairs of Asics, 2 pairs of Levis, shoes for the kids t-shirts, a jacket, sun cream, a day moisteuriser, a night moisturiser, a serum from instytutum and a pair of sunglasses. I have to say I prefer buying things like that than medicaments 🙂
Prošle sedmice sam se tako malo bolje osjećala i odem na spontanu kafu sa jednom prijatljicom … završivši u Tk-maxx I u Roppenheimu u Francuskoj. Kupila sam sebi 3 para Asicsa, 2 para Leviski, tene za djecu, sebi jaknu, kremu za sunce, dnevnu hidrantnu kremu, noćnu hidrantnu kremu, serum od instytutuma i par sunčanih naočara. Moram reći da više volim kupovati stvari poput ovih nego trošiti pare na lijekove 🙂

Spring is coming, girls. Time to dress up!
Cure, dolazi proljeće. Vrijeme se srediti!