Shoppomania/ Šopomanija

In my deepest misery I was buying medicaments like people buy candies. I said to myself, when I get better I will go to the city and I will buy anything I need.
Last week then I felt a little bit better and went for a spontaneous coffee with a friend…ending up in Tk-maxx AND Roppenheim outlet in France. I bought 3 pairs of Asics, 2 pairs of Levis, shoes for the kids t-shirts, a jacket, sun cream, a day moisteuriser, a night moisturiser, a serum from instytutum and a pair of sunglasses. I have to say I prefer buying things like that than medicaments 🙂 

U mojoj najdubljoj bijedi kupovala sam lijekove poput ljudi koji kupuju bombone. Rekla sam sebi čim budem bolje, idem u grad i kupiću SVE što mi treba.
Prošle sedmice sam se tako malo bolje osjećala  i odem na spontanu kafu sa jednom prijatljicom … završivši u Tk-maxx I u Roppenheimu u Francuskoj. Kupila sam sebi 3 para Asicsa, 2 para Leviski, tene za djecu, sebi jaknu, kremu za sunce, dnevnu hidrantnu kremu, noćnu hidrantnu kremu, serum od instytutuma i par sunčanih naočara. Moram reći da više volim kupovati stvari poput ovih nego trošiti pare na lijekove 🙂
Spring is coming, girls. Time to dress up!
Cure, dolazi proljeće. Vrijeme se srediti!

Weekend in Strasbourg / Vikend u Strasburgu

I booked a hotel in Strasbourg as a birthday gift to Ensar. The hotel I choose is Graffalgar hotel and it was very cool because every room was designed by a different artist. We had one called Monsta, and the room was designed with wolves. The hotel was great. It was clean and not far from the old center.
Za rodjendan Ensar je dobio putovanje u Strasburg. Bukirala sam jedan jako cool hotel koji se zove Graffalgar i dosta je blizu centra. Interesantno je sto je svaka soba u hotelu dizajnirana od nekog drugog umjetnika. Nasa se soba zvala Monsta, a u sobi su bili vukovi po zidovima. Sobe su bile ciste i dorucak je meni bio dobar.

Strasbourg old town was beautiful. It had beautiful old buildings, cafées, shops and restaurants. These old towns are made so beautiful that thousands of tourists are coming just to see it. Today´s architect should maybe consider beauty also when making new quarters of same looking cage buildings that no one will want too see in 50 years.
Stari dio grada u Strasburgu je prelijep. Ima lijepe stare zgrade, kafic, prodavnicic i restorane. Ovi stari gradovi su tako lijepo napravljeni da na hiljade turista dolaze da ih vide. Danasnji arhitekti bi mozda trebali i ljepotu uzeti u obzir kad prave zgrade da ne prave samo kvartove istih, kao kavez izgledajucih, zgrada koje niko nece htjeti vidjeti za 50 godina. With child it is different to travel because it is not really like I can take Ada to museums (I would just run after her and would not see anything). Still I love to go with her because she gets so fascinated of other things then we grown ups.
We decided to take the sightseeing train, that she loved (at least a while), she also loved one of Europe’s if not even worlds oldest carousels and the boat tour was also highly appreciated.
Putovati sa djetetom je malo drugacije nego kad sam ides. Nije bas da mogu Adu po muzejima voditi. Samo bih za njom trcala i nista ne bih vidjela. Ali volim sa njom putovati jer postane fascinirana sasvim drugim stvarima nego odrasli.
Odlucili smo ici na kratki krug sa vozicem, Adi se (barem neko vrijeme) pravo svidjelo. Adi se isto svidio ringispil, koji je jedan od najstariji (ako ne i najstariji) u Evropi ili cak u svijetu. A i voznja sa brodom nam se svima pravo dopala.IMG_4227 IMG_4295IMG_4210
The bridge you see in the picture has a dark history. In former times criminals, especially the ones who had hurt (killed, raped, abused and so on) children and women, were put in an iron cage and than thrown into the water.
Most na slici ima tamnu istoriju. U davnim vremenima su kriminalce, pogotovo one koji su zene i djecu ubijali, silovali, maltretirali itd. stavljali u zeljezni kavez, kojeg su onda bacili u vodu.
Here are some of the things that I really liked and I am sure I will go back to Strasbourg for, at least, a tea.
Ovdje je par stvari sto mi se pravo dopalo i sigurna sam da cu se opet vratiti u Strasburg, ako nista barem na caj. 

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What’s happening to the world ? / Sta se desava sa svijetom?

Waking up to the news om what happened to Nice made me sad. Then It made me surprised and after some thinking it made me more surprised that things like this do not happen more often.

Then in the evening there is a coup in Turkey. Following worlds happenings the last 25 years I do not believe these two incidents are by chance. I haven’t figured out exactly how they are connected, actually haven’t had time to give it a thought, but I am sure somehow they are connected. It is like watching a magician. You look at one scene but the real happening is on another spot.In-politicnothing-happens-by-accident.__quotes-by-Franklin-D.-Roosevelt-18Probudih se uz vijesti iz Nice. Rastuzila me vijest, pa me malo iznenadila, pa kad sam malo bolje razmislila onda me iznenadilo da nije ranije doslo do takvih dogadjaja.

Onda navecer cujem za “drzavni udar” (ako je to stvarno to) u Turskoj. Prateci vijesti zadnjih 25 godina prestala sam vjerovati u slucajnosti. Nije mi bas skroz jasno kakvu vezu imaju ali sam sigurna da je imaju. To je ono kao kad madjionicar prikazuje trik. Ti gledas u jednu stvar ali se stvarni dogadjaj desava negdje drugo. Tako mi djeluju Nice i Turska trenutno…