This morning Ada and I arrived to Skövde. Ada was great during the trip. She was constantly talking and singing loud…in the wagon where it should be silcence. Luckily, no one complained.
At my parents place my mom had planted lots of strawberries and there where two that Ada had the honour to pick and eat. She loved it. It was her first time picking the strawberries herself.
In the evening I went to my grand mother. She is very sick and we spent two hours talking. It is very hard to see a person you love getting weaker and weaker. I really enjoyed seing and talking to her. So much experience and stories that only a long life (85 years) can give.
Jutros smo Ada i ja stigle u Skövde.Ada je bila super na putu. Pricala je i pjevala je citav put…u vagonu gdje treba biti tisina. Srecom se niko nije bunio.
Kod kuce je mama posadila dosta jagoda koje su bas fino rodile. Ada je nasla dvije zrele koje je sama pobrala i ceifom jela. To joj je prvi put da je sama brala jagode! To joj se pravo svidjelo. Odmah je trazila vise ali nije ih bilo zreli.
Navecer sam srela moju majku koja je jako bolesna. Provele smo dva sata pricajuci o starim uspomenama. Tesko je vidjeti jednu voljenu osobu koja postaje sve losija i losija. Lijepo mi je bilo pricati sa njom. Prerijetki trenutci a toliko iskustva koji samo jedan dug zivot moze dati.
Happy birthday my little sunshine
Today was an unusual day 🙂 Hipp hipp Hurra 🙂
One year ago my little sunshine was born. She started the (to)day by saying “tkatkatkatka”… and I got so proud of her “talking” hehe… In the evening my sisters children & boyfriend, my brother & his girlfriend and my husbands brother met spontaneously at our place for the cake… except it turned out to be a real dinner. I love meeting with the family
Danas je bio jedan neobican dan. Moje malo sunce je slavilo prvi rodjendan. Dan je pocela sa tkatkatkata… a ja odmah ponosna kako “prica” hehe. Navecer su sestrina djeca i momak, brat s djevojkom i brat od muza dosli spontano na tortu, ali se to pretvorilo u pravu veceru. Srce mi je na mjestu kad smo tako svi na okupu…
My sisters daughter helped out with the unwrapping…
Sestrina kcerka je pomagala sa otvaranjem poklona…
The children want to blow the candle out…PZ is doing it great making PA want to try it too, but it was very difficult 🙂 We repeated it a couple of times until he lost his interest 🙂
Djeca su htjela da ispusu svijece… PZ je to super uradila, sto je navelo PA da isto to proba. Ponovili smo to par puta dok nije izgubio interes za tim 🙂
This picture is special for me… Total hypnosis…
Ova mi je slika nesto posebno… Totalna hipnoza…
PZ and my husband playing with the ballons …
PZ i tetak se igrali balonima…