Do you ever get really tired and unmotivated of the food you prepare at home? I come into that phase from time to time ( I am in it now). Suddenly, I would prefer just to go around from restaurant to restaurant in order to avoid the food at home. Nothing tastes good and I suffer a complete lack of energy and will to cook. Even the food my husband makes is boring. Talking with a friend of mine I noticed I am not the only one suffering from this “food depression”. My sister solved this “problem” with a simple but great thing. She wrote a list with all the different dishes that she likes and when she gets the “food depression” she simply looks at it and reminds herself of all the things she can cook. A thing I try to do to avoid the food depression is to try to learn some international cooking like for example indian cooking so that I can make some fast dishes from different countries and thereby get some variation. How do you guys cope with “food depression”?
Da li vama ikad postane pravljenje hrane pravo dosadno i postanete li toliko demotivirani da vam se apsolutno nista ne da praviti. Meni se to desi sa vremena na vrijeme. Odjednom bih najradije samo hodala po restoranima i izbjegavala bih pravljenje hrane. Nista mi ne smeka dobro, i totalno izgubim i volju i energiju da kuham kod kuce. Pa cak i ono sto muz skuha mi bude “dosadno” za jesti. Pricala sam sa prijateljicama i primjetila da nisam jedina koja udje u tu “depresiju kuhanja”. Sestra moja je to rijesila jednim jednostavnim trikom. Jednostavno napisala listu svih jela sto voli i onda kad bude demotivisana pogleda listu i podsjeti se sta moze napraviti. Ja sto probam uraditi da izbjegnem tu depresiju kuhanja je da se naucim sto vise internacionalnih jela i tako dobijem malo variacije jela. Kako se vi bocite sa “depresijom kuhanja”?