My goal is to achieve some 10 000kr (ca 1000 Euro) per month in dividends until my retirement and to reach that I am investing in different stocks. Last year I had an increase of approximately 45% (sounds more than it is) of dividend achieving over 4500 kr (ca 450 Euro) in dividends that year.
This money is all reinvested and will (hopefully) generate more dividends for this year…like Einstein said the compound effect is the 8th world miracle.

Cilj mi je dostiči 10 000kr (oko 1000 Eura) u dividendama mjesečno do moje penzije i zato ulažem u razne dionice.
Prošle godine sam povećala sumu dividendi za 45% (zvuči više nego što jeste) i dobila sam oko 4500 kr koje su ponovo investirane u nove dionice.
Kao što je rekao Einstein da je kamata-na-kamata efekat osmo svjetsko čudo.
Half year has passed and I am until now having only 15% less dividend this year than the whole last year which is motivating even though I admit I haven’t been buying as many stocks as I wanted lately due to movement and adjustments in US. In any case when I see the bars I do get a little motivated for the future 🙂

Pola godine je već prošlo i sad već u polugodištu imam samo 15 % manje dividende nego što sam imala u čitavu prošlu godinu što je motivirajući iako nisam kupovala toliko dionica koliko sam htjela. Ipak je tu bila i selidba i privikavanje u Americi. U svakom slučaju kad vidim diagram motivirame to za budućnost 🙂