World Savings Day / Dan stednje


Danas je dan stednje i dan kad djeca rado donesu svoju ustedjevinu u banku i tako saznaju kako funkcionise banka. Inace je Dan Stednje proglasen 31. Oktobra 1924 na 1. internationalnom stednom kongresu u Milanu. Poenta tog dana je da se promovira stednja da se stavi novac u bankama i da se ne drzi u madracu 😀 To je valjda ispocetka poenta bila, i dalje je pogotovo u siromasnim drzavama kao sto su neke drzave u Africi.
Mislim da je super sto se djeca uce da stede i da odu u banku da vide sta je to. Ja se sjecam kad sam bila dijete kako smo dobivali svesku i u svesci smo mogli naljepnice lijepiti koje smo dobivali svaki put kad stavimo 10kr (to je oko 2KM). Kad svesku izlijepimo do kraja odemo u banku i dobijemo neki pokloncic kao npr. traku (onu staru koja se olovkom mota :D) sa muzikom.


Inace se uvijek pitam da li ljudi stede svojoj djeci?
Pogotovo u Bosni, gdje ekonomsko stanje nije bas najbolje i samim tim je jos vaznije da se umjesto cigara (za svoj ceif) stave tih par maraka na djeciji racun. Ustvari zasto je to tako da se radije plati cigara ili kafa nego da stavis djetetu na racun da ima kasnije ako bude htjelo studirati ili nesto pametno raditi a nema para?  Skontajte, neki puse jedno pakovanje cigara na dan, nek je cigara samo 1KM po pakovanju to znaci 365 KM godisnje ispuse , i to do djecije 18.e godine izadje 18*365*1KM =6570 KM. Znaci ispuse najmanje 6570 KM, ako su 2 roditelja i vise ispuse. A zamisli kad citave familije umjesto da se ujedine i plate jednom djetetu skolovanje ispuse ne jedan paket nego 4-5 paketa?? Znaci ako 5 osoba ispuse 4 pakovanja na dan onda potrose za 18g 6570*4=26280 KM  ako je pakovanje 1KM.  I onda te ljude nije sramota reci da nemaju para?  Eh, za takve je definitivno ovaj dan- Dan stednje!
“Small streams make great rivers”

Today is the worlds savings day and children love to bring their moneybox to the bank where they learn how things work. The international savings day was pronounced the of October in 1924 at the international saving congress in Milano, Italy. The idea was to promote the saving in the banks instead of keeping it in the mattress. This idea is still promoted in some poor countries while in others the whole saving concept is promoted on this day.
I find it great that children learn how to save and go to the bank. I remember when I was a child how we got these white books where we could collect the stickers we got every time we saved 10kr. When the book was filled with stickers we got a gift from the bank. Children loved it.

I always wonder if people save for the children and if yes why, if no why not?
Especially in poorer countries like Bosnia it is even more important to save. Instead of buying cigarettes or coffees (for yourself) one should reconsider to put this money to the saving account of your child so that she/he when they grow 18 and want to study or have a driver’s license don´t lack money for it. Imagine if a package of cigarettes cost 1KM and one package is smoked per day that means that when the child is 18 you will have been smoking up 18 years*365days*1KM =6570 KM. When two parents smoke it is possible that they spend more. Imagine now when the whole family is united and plan to pay the education for the child and they smoke even up to 4-5 packages per day. That would be 18 years 6570KM*4packages=26280 (around 13 000EURO) KM  by the time the child is 18. The best part is that many of these people complain that they don´t have money. I guess that it is exactly why the Saving day is so important.