Last weekend was busy. Friday evening I met my friends that I haven´t met in ages. We met in the café Happy Fildjan. If anyone is interested to try bosnian food do it at Happy Fildjan. The food is really tasty, fresh and well made. We even got an honor to get a picture with the owner of the café / restaurant 🙂Prosli vikend je bio pun dozivljaja. Petak uvecer sam izasla sa prijateljicama koje nisam vidjela 100 godina. Sreli smo se u Happy Fildjanu. Cak smo imali cast da se slikamo sa gazdom kafica/ restorana :)Since, me and Ada where flying to Sweden on Sunday, I met my friend Vindi at Saturday. Both of us are chocolate lovers so we went to the best (chocolate) store in the city to buy my niece some chocolate. She loves the Valhrona Dulcey, white chocolate so that is a must to bring her. Me and Vindi “tried” (ate the whole chocolate) a Sea Salt chocolate (the one she holds in her hands) and it was delicious, so I recommend it. The evening we finished off with the best Maschaua soup in the city at the Afghani restaurant Nigin.
Posto smo ja i Ada isle za Svedsku u nedjelju, subotu sam provela sa mojom prijateljicom Vindi. Obe obozavamo cokoladu tako da smo otisle u najbolju prodavnicu u gradu da kupim mojoj necakinji malo cokolade. Necakinja voli Valhronu Dulcey, bijelu cokoladu i ne smijem joj na oci bez nje 🙂 Vindi i ja smo “probale” ( pojele smo je citavu) jednu sa Morskom soli (drzi je u ruci na slici) i bila je predobra. Probajte je i vi. Vecer smo zavrsili sa najboljom afganskom Masausupom u gradu u afganskom restoranu Nigin.
Meeting old friends/ Susret sa starim prijateljima
Having a child makes the time fly away. All the things I planned are forgotten and all the friends I was supposed to meet shortly after birth got “postponed”. Finally, though I got the chance to meet my dear friend Selma. She has twins(!!) and it is for me an enigma how she deals with two babys in the same time…Respect 🙂
otkad imam dijete vrijeme (pro)leti. Sve stvari koje sam planirala uraditi su zaboravljene i svi prijatelji koje sam trebala kratko nakon poroda sresti su “odgodjeni”. Ali napokon sam uspijela sresti moju dobru prijateljicu Selmu. Selma ima dvojke i moram priznati da mi je to enigma kako uopste zna gdje su joj noge a gdje glava …Svaka cast 🙂
I also managed to go to my old working place 🙂 I planned to do that in May :/ But better late than never 🙂
Uspijela sam otici i do mog starog radnog mjesta 🙂 To sam planirala da vec u Maju uradim. Ali bolje ikad nego nikad 🙂
On the way home I just HAD to stop by the chocolate store and buy a special gift to my little niece. This is Ada´s first time in a chocolate store 🙂
Usput smo navratile u prodavnicu cokolada jer sam morala kupiti jedan poseban pokloncic mojoj necakinji. Ovo je Adin prvi put u jednoj takvoj prodavnici 🙂