Yesterday, my husband, his brother and I went to see Star Wars The force awakens. The ticket costed 2 Euro !! Can you imagine paying 2 Euro for going to watch a 3D movie in cinema?? I was thrilled. For me, that is definitely a positive thing to do when visiting Bosnia. The movies in Bosnia are all in original language with a subtitle so even tourists can enjoy the movies. The Star war movie itself threw me back in the childhood when I watched the first Star wars movie. Can´t say the story was good but it was fun to watch it in 3D…and the popcorn was great 😛 Sinoc smo muz, njegov brat i ja otisli u kino da gledamo Star Wars. Karta je kostala 2 Eura sto je kad poredis Njemacku ili jos skuplju Svedsku gdje su karte po 20 Eura nevjerovatno jeftine. Za ove koji dodju iz vana (i one sto puse mogu sebi to priustiti :P) je to definitivno jedna pozitivna stvar koju mogu da oceifim kad dodjem u Bosnu. Sam Star Wars film me vratio unazad u djetinjstvo kad sam gledala prve Star wars filmove. Uzivala sam u 3D filmu mada ne mogu bas reci da je prica nesto dobra…ali zato su kokice bile mrak 😛