Positive thing in Bosnia – massage / Pozitivne stvari u Bosni- masaža

Farah dermatological cosmetic center Tuzla- Massages and facial treatments:
If you are around in Tuzla, there is this awesome place to get massage! In general I am a fan of massages, facial treatments and all things connected to “spa life”. I am sure that I could spend every day in spas going from one treatment to another. I adore it! I go for massage quite often in Munich and Stockholm but I was absolutely amazed when I went for massage at Farah in Tuzla, in Bosnia of all places 😀  My masseuse Azra is one of if not the best masseuse I have met so I definitely recommend her if you want to go for a great massage. After the massage there is a quite nice cafe(Sagittarius) close by where one can order great (healthy) smoothies as the great finish of a relaxing day! pic. fr. Farah.bamasazaFarah dermatološki kozmetički centar Tuzla- Masaže i tretman lica:
Fenomenalno! Inače sam apsolutni fan masaža, tretmana lica i sve što ima veze sa spa. Čini mi se da bih čitave dane mogla ići po masažama i tretmanima. Često sam bila na masažama u Minhenu i Štokholmu ali sam se oduševila kad sam otišla na masažu kod Azre u Farah u Tuzli.  Od tad sam stalni gost tamo kad dođem u Tuzlu. Za završetak jednog opuštajućeg dana možete otići u Sagattarius kafić gdje imaju ukusne smoothies.smoothie


U BiH iduci put idem kao turista a ne samo u posjetu/ Next time I go to Bosnia I go there as a “real” tourist…

Kako je Ada bila bolesna, tako nisam puno nesto stigla ni pisati. Sad smo stigli i u Minhen ali ipak me vuce da nesto i o Krupi zapisem. Uvijek se pitam kako bi Krupa izgledala da se nalazi recimo u Svedskoj, Svicarskoj, Njemackoj ili Austriji. Imamo takvu nevidjenu prirodnu ljepotu a jednostavno je ne znamo, ili ne mozemo iskoristiti. Doduse mozda je i do mene. Mozda je ja ne znam iskoristiti? Recimo, gdje god drugo da krenem ja uzmem neki prospekt, progooglam situaciju, gledam sta mogu uraditi i sta mogu vidjeti. Kad idem u Bosnu, ja uvijek idem u posjetu. Znaci nikad ne idem “na odmor” ili da nesto dozivim i vidim. Cak sto vise nemam pojma sta se moze u Bosni uopste raditi. Zar to nije sramota ?? Sto je najgore, mislim da nekih barem 50% dijaspore ako ne i vise tako razmislja. Recimo ja se sa par cura onako kroz zezu sve dogovaram da odem na boot camp + mental coaching u Spaniju, ali zasto Spaniju? Pa valjda toga treba biti u Bosni pa da iskombinujem rodbinu + trening? Ono tipa 5 dana samo treninga (za pocetnike :P), masaze, dobra hrana. Bilo bi super cuti koji restorani su must (pretpostavljam u vecim gradovima) ?!  Imam isto san da odem na neki golf kurs gdje mogu napokon green card dobiti (mada ne mogu da zamislim da toga ima kod nas :/ (moracu to google) ). A da i zaboravila sam, Una + ronjenje = mocno. Zar stvarno nema neki program kod nas da se to sve nekako zadovolji?  Idem ponovo dole za ljeto pa bi bila super prilika da barem jednom u zivotu odem u Bosnu kao “pravi” turista 🙂

A ovo ljudi moji je ispred moje kuce, dusa me zaboli kad moram ici…(cak se moze i boot camp ovdje imati :P)

Past few days Ada was sick so I didn´t have time to write anything. We are now back in Munich but still I feel I want to show you the beauty in front of my house in Bosnia. I always wonder how Bosanska Krupa would look like if it was located in Switzerland, Germany, Austria or Sweden? The bosnians have such beautiful landscape but somehow they are not able to (positively) use it and make a touristic place out of it. Maybe it is also just me. I mean everywhere I go I check out the place before. I check what things I can see, what things can be done, where to eat, where to get for example a hamam and so on. When I go to Bosnia I just go for a visit. I never go as a tourist. I even do not know what things can be done there. It is actually quite embarrassing when I think of it. I always talk about going to some boot camp in Spain, or some golf course trip (which honestly, I believe isn´t even existing in Bosnia), diving (Una is absolutely fabulous for diving) .  But then why go to Spain? There should be something like that in Bosnia too where I can then combine visiting relatives with doing sports? Something like 5 days sports, great massage, excellent food. I don´t even know if there are any “must” do restaurants. If that exists at all? In any case, next time I go to Bosnia would be great opportunity for me to go there as a “real ” tourist 🙂

The pictures are from my garden and the islands (ade) next to my house.


First Sweden, then Bosnia and now Germany. We just arrived in Munich. I was happily surprised that everything went well going on a road trip with the little one.  It was the first time we went on a longer trip (Bosnia-Munich, Germany) by car. Ada was quite a sunshine almost the whole trip (the last 30km she started crying) .



Stigli smo nakon nekog  vremena u Minhen. Bila sam pozitivno iznenadjena da smo bez ikakvih problema prosli  na putu. Prvi put smo isli na duzi put (Bosna-Minhen, Njemacka)  autom. Ada je bila pravo zlato skoro citav put (osim zadnjih 30 km pred Minhenom kad je malo zaplakala:) ) .