It is very seldom that I really love a book. This time however, I must say that I loved it. Bill Bryson has managed to write about science and catch the reader as a well written crime novel does. I have never been a fan of physics but in this book it was all so nicely explained from the big bang, and how scientists came to the conclusion that there was a big bang once upon a time. Can you imagine (of course you cannot) that the scientists believe to know what happened as far back in time as 10^-43 seconds after big bang? Have you ever heard of inflations theory? Do you know the energy of 30 hydrogen bombs is encapsuled in our bodies? How can you calculate the age of our planet? These and many more interesting facts can be found in this book. I also loved the way he described the famous scientists but not forgetting the scientists having really bad luck in their life/ research and all this is written in a humoristic way. Often we forget that they are human and not just names in a book. I strongly recommend this book to everyone interested in science.
Here you can find the book in a pdf file.
Rijetko kad budem pravo odusevljena knjigom, ali ovaj put stvarno jesam. Bill Bryson je uspio da pise o nauci i da zacara citaoce kao da citamo neki roman. Nisam nikad bila neki ljubitelj fizike ali u ovoj knjizi je sve tako lijepo opisano pocevsi od velikog praska i kako su naucnici dosli do te ideje. Mozete li vjerovati da su naucnici uspijeli izracunati i misle da znaju sta se desilo cak 10^-43 sekunde nakon velikog praska? Jeste li ikad culi za teoriju inflacije? Kako se moze izracunati starost nase planete? Znate li da imamo energiju od 30 hidrogenski bombi u sebi? Ove i mnogo vise interesantnih stvari su opisane i objasnjene u ovoj knjizi. Meni se isto svidjeo humoristicni nacin kako opisuje baksuzne naucnike ili poznate naucnike. Cesto zaboravimo da su i oni ljudi koji su nekad zivjeli a ne samo imena u jednoj knjizi. Preporucujem dragog srca, svima koje vole nauku da procitaju ovu knjigu.