For a long time I haven´t been able to spend some time for myself and just relax, so yesterday my mom told me and my sister to go to Aqua Vitalis for a couple of hours to relax. We where fast to get away and get some time alone. To bad I cannot do it more often. Već dugo vremena nisam imala vremena za sebe i da se samo opustim, i tako mama reće meni i mami da odemo par sati do Aqua Vitalis da se odmorimo i družimo. Bile smo brze pobjeći iz kuće da se ne predomisli 😛 Šteta samo što ne možemo ovo češće raditi.
Aqua Vitalis
Luxury day at Aqua Vitalis/ Luksuzan dan na Aqua Vitalis
What a luxury day… My parents persuaded me to go to Aqua Vitalis yesterday AND today. The atmosphere is fantastic and so cheap (220kr) it is a absolute must when being in Skövde.. Especially, when I have THE babysitter it is great opportunity to have some time for myself. Here are some pictures I just had to take… And tomorrow maybe I go again 🙂
Luksuzan dan… Roditelji su me nagovorili da odem u Aqua Vitalis jučer i danas. Fantastična je atmosfera i toliko je jeftino da je pod moranjem da odem tamo kad sam u Skövdeu. Još kad imam najbolje dadilje na raspolaganju onda je super iskoristiti priliku i uzivati malo sama 🙂 . A ako bude sreće možda opet sutra odem 🙂
Above the pool (29 degrees) one can see the log sauna (stockbastu)
Iznad bazena (29 stepeni) se vidi sauna gdje se loži na drva
Steam sauna…
Turska sauna
Warm pool (34 degree)…
Topli bazen (34 stepena)
A bar for relaxing
Bar sa osvježavajućim pićem i hranom
Outdoor pool in the evening
Vanjski bazen navecer