Today morning I woke up at 5h!
At 7.10h me, my sister and over 300 women checked in on Silja Line for a cruise to Aland. The cruise was organised by “Aktiespararna”, and contained great talks about stocks.
We met the CEO Therese Lundstedt for the Aktieinvest telling us about the possibility to buy shares of a stock instead of a whole stock (great when very expensive stocks), as well as Sandra Lindqvist that has made the “Framtidsfeminist fund” a fund only investing in companies that promote equality among the upper management. Very clever and nice idea.
A fascinating story was also told by Andra Farad whose alias Börshajen has made a fascinating travel from a suburb of Stockholm to run her own business educating people about stocks.
It was very motivating and gave me a chance to talk with women with the same interest and discuss strategies, mistakes and victories.
Jutros sam se u 5h probudila!
U 7.10h smo sestra, ja i još preko 300 žena uradile check-in na Silja Line trajektu za krstarenje do Alanda. Krstarenje je organizovano od Aktiespararna i sastojalo se od predavanja o dionicama.
Sreli smo izmeđuostalih CEO od Aktieinvest Therese Lundstedt- koja nam je pričala o mogućnost kupovine djelove dionice (super, ako su jako skupe dionice), Sandru Lindqvist koja je napravila Framtidsfeminist fond ( Budućnostfeminist fond), gdje investira novac samo u firme gdje ravnopravnost vlada u višem menadžmentu. Jako pametna i fina ideja.
Interesantnu životnu priču je Andra Farad -Börshajen ispričala o svom životnom putu iz predgrađa Štokholma do osnivanje svoje firme koja se bavi edukacijom o dionicama.
Bilo je jako motivirajući ići na ovo krstarenje i dalo mi je šansu da pričam i sretnem žene koje su isto tako zainteresovane u dionicama kao što sam i ja.