Aging and illness are terrible things. No matter how much you try to keep the hope inside you know it won´t get better. I try to convince myself how my grandmother had quite a long life but the moment I see her it doesn´t help. Even if she would have already lived for 200 years it would feel that the life is too short. Especially, when it is going towards the end. It is like a aeroplane landing. Up in the air you feel you fly slowly and when landing it feels faster and faster and suddenly you have landed and stopped. It is the same with a life.
And what does my grandmother say to me?
She tells me the chinese proverb ” A healthy man has 1000 wishes, a sick one has just one“. Remember that!
Starost i bolest je jedna grozna stvar. Koliko god se trudis da zadrzis nadu znas da nema nista od toga. Sebe ohrabrujes kako je ipak majka imala dug vijek ali dzaba kad je vidim kako bolesna i slaba lezi cini mi se da je i 200 godina zivjela da je vijek itekako kratak. Pogotovo kad se vijek sve priblizava kraju sve brze i brze ide. Isto kao kad avion slijece. Nekako sporo letis a u momentu kad sleces sve brzinski proleti i dok si rekao keks avion je stao. Tako isto zivot.
I sta mi kaze majka na to sve ?
Ponovi mi kinesku poslovicu ” Zdrav covjek ima 1000 zelja a bolestan samo jednu“. Zapamti to sine!