Onaj osjecaj kad vidis auto koje ti se svidja i znas da ga nikad u zivotu neces imati… Cak ponekad i pomislim sta da imam toliki novac da mogu sebi priustiti auto od 100 000 ili 200 000 eura. Da li bih ja to stvarno kupila sebi? Ja licno misli da ne bih, jer toliko ima pametniji stvari za uraditi i vidjeti za taj novac. Haj ne bili me “strefio” taj problem… Igram loto opet. U petak/subotu je 75 miliona eura jackpot. A sta bih sve uradila sa tim parama….
That feeling when you see a car and you know that you will never ever own such a car.. And then I catch myself thinking, even if I had that amount of money, would I really by a car for let´s say 100-200 000 euro? I don´t think so. There are soo many other things I would rather spend my money on. On the other hand I wish I had such problems… I am playing lotto again. This time the jackpot is 75 million Euro… I would do soo much with this money…
I onda vidim Adu. U toj citavoj hali Audija, sa nekom ogromnom novcanom vrijednost, njoj je najzanimljiviji crveni balon…
And then I see Ada. In this huge hall with all these expensive cars, all that matters to Ada is her red balloon...Makes me change the perspective a little bit 🙂