Today, I melted when Adrian kissed me on purpose. He understood that I got very happy of his kisses so he kissed me a couple of times why laughing 🙂 Now he is sending me kisses the whole time. So cuuuute 😀
The time flies by so fast! It feels like yesterday that he was born and now he is walking and trying to talk. I just want to cuddle with him but already now he is enjoys more to walk around and explore the world. I guess I will have to “steal” the cuddle time when he expects it at least
I tako mene sin prvi put poljubi. I to me pravo cmoknuo. Ja sam se istooopila. Razumio je da meni bude drago i onda me posuo poljubcima dok se smijao 🙂 I sad kad zna kako slati poljubce salje mi puse citavo vrijeme. Preslatko 😀
Vrijeme tako brzo prolazi. Osjeca se kao da se jucer rodio a sad vec hoda i probava pricati. A ja bih se samo mazila sa njim ali vec nece nego radije hoda i izucava svijet. Sad cu morati “krasti” momente da se malo pomazimo kad najmanje ocekuje 🙂