Europe’s largest collection of insects was having an exhibition in Karlsruhe, so I just had to go to check it out. Did you know that the centipede has “just” 750 feet? Ada was very brave and touched it!
Who would have believed that the wasps are the most dangerous insects of you look to the number of deaths it causes? 20 000 people it kills per year!! One always learns something new when visiting this kind of places 🙂
Najveća kolekcija insekata su imali izložbu u Karlsruhe, tako da smo morali otici tamo i provjeriti to. Znate li da stonoga ima 750 nogu? Ada je bila hrabra i čak je dodirnula jednu.
Isto tako ko bi rekao da su ose najopasniji insekt ako gledaš broj prouzrokovanih smrtnih slučajeva? Čitavih 20 000 ljudi ubije godišnje! Uvijek se nešto nauči na ovakvim mjestima 🙂
In the “The 10 % Entrepreneur” (Patrick J. McGinnis) I found the idea of being a 10 % entrepreneur quite interesting. Usually we hear about people that have given up everything to do what they love. They get so successful that they earn millions and millions… but how many of these do You really know?
Since, most of the people do not want to leave the safety line they have, the concept of having both a job AND being an entrepreneur is fitting to most of the peoples lives.
The book was interesting but I felt there where many generalizations like; surround yourself with right (successful) people, work hard, find the opportunity , you can be an investor and so on.
So if you want a comprehensive step-by-step plan on what actions to do to become an entrepreneur, than this is not the book for you.
U “10% poduzetnik” (Patrick J. McGinnis) smatram da je ideja da budeš 10% poduzetnik prilično interesantna. Obično se čuje za uspješne ljude koji su odustali od svega da bi radili ono što vole. Postali su toliko uspješni da zarađuju milione … ali koliko takvih stvarno poznajete?
S obzirom da većina ljudi ne želi da napusti sigurnost koju imaju, koncept imati i posao i biti poduzetnik odgovara većini ljudi.
Knjiga je zanimljiva, ali smatram da je bilo mnogo generalizacija kao npr. okružite se tačnim (uspješnim) ljudima, uporno radite, pronalazite prilike, možete biti investitor.
Dakle, ako želite detaljni sveobuhvatni plan koji će vam korak po korak pokazati šta treba učiniti da postanete poduzetnik, onda ovo nije knjiga za vas.
Today, I melted when Adrian kissed me on purpose. He understood that I got very happy of his kisses so he kissed me a couple of times why laughing 🙂 Now he is sending me kisses the whole time. So cuuuute 😀
The time flies by so fast! It feels like yesterday that he was born and now he is walking and trying to talk. I just want to cuddle with him but already now he is enjoys more to walk around and explore the world. I guess I will have to “steal” the cuddle time when he expects it at least
I tako mene sin prvi put poljubi. I to me pravo cmoknuo. Ja sam se istooopila. Razumio je da meni bude drago i onda me posuo poljubcima dok se smijao 🙂 I sad kad zna kako slati poljubce salje mi puse citavo vrijeme. Preslatko 😀
Vrijeme tako brzo prolazi. Osjeca se kao da se jucer rodio a sad vec hoda i probava pricati. A ja bih se samo mazila sa njim ali vec nece nego radije hoda i izucava svijet. Sad cu morati “krasti” momente da se malo pomazimo kad najmanje ocekuje 🙂