For the first time we, the kids, Ensar and I flew together. We arrived to Stockholm last Tuesday and hoped for snow, but it was nowhere to be seen.
One of the highlights in Stockholm was the Technical museum. The kids loved it. There were so many things to explore and it is also interesting for the grown ups. Nice to visit if in Stockholm.
Po prvi put smo djeca, Ensar i ja zajedno letili. Stigli smo u Štokholm prošlog utorka i nadali smo se snijegu međutim nigdje ga nije bilo ni za lijeka.
Vrhunac za djecu je bila posjeta u tehničkom muzeju. Toliko interesantni stvari je bilo za vidjeti…i za djecu i za odrasle. Tako da ako ste igrom slučaja u Štokholmu predlažem posjetu u tehničkom muzeju.
We went to the city to buy a suitcase for our Sweden trip. We are leaving on Tuesday and just realised that we don’t have enough suitcases.
After a.while we got hungry and thought let’s go eat in Karstadt because there was also a place for kids to play.
And then it happened. Adrian ran after Ada. He took a couple of steps not getting that he actually had walked. And then came this special face when he undestood that what he has done. He got this amazing wow effect and wanted more.
I find it so fascinating that no matter how difficult it is the children are persistent. They really have the mindset persistence beats resistance. A mindset I would love them to keep when they grow up. The room where the first steps where made/ Soba gdje je prve korake napravio
Otišli smo u grad da kupimo kofere za putovanje u Švedsku. Idemo u utorak i upravo smo primjetili da nam fali kofer.
Nakon nekog vremena u gradu smo ogladnili i odlučimo otići u Karstadt jer tamo ima mjesto za djecu da se igraju.
I u momentu se desi! Adrian potrča za Adom. Nekolika koraka je prešao a da nije ni skontao šta je uradio. I onda je onaj posebni izraz lica došao kad je shvatio veličinu njegovog uspjeha. Dobio je onaj posebni aha-efekat izraz i odmah je htio opet šetati.
Meni je to tako fascinantno kod djece da nebitno koliko je nešto teško oni uporno vježbaju. Stvarno imaju mentalitet “upornost pobijeđuje otpor“. To je način razmišljanja koji se ja nadam da će im ostati i kad odrastu.
Sounds like some candy but it isn’t.
It is actually my second try to diversify my savings. My main goal is to one day have 10 000 Euro passive income from different kinds of savings and investments.
For now I have invested mainly in stocks but I am now trying the P2P loans.
P2P loans is a peer-to-peer or people-to-people loans. That means you can take 100 euro and lend it out to people who need it. The interest is different depending on the person asking for the loan and the safety of the loan. I have tried two P2P companies: the Swedish Lendify and the Latvian Mintos that is oriented towards international clientele.
Lendify has nicer overview and interface but the problem with Lendify is that there are hardly any loans to invest in AND the loans are usually long term for a lower interest. Zvuči kao neka bombona, ali nije. To je ustvari moj drugi pokušaj da raspodijelim svoju štednju. Moj glavni cilj je da jednog dana dobijem 10 000 eura pasivnog prihoda od raznih štednjih i investicija. Za sada sam uglavnom uložila u dionice ali sam sad probala i P2P kredite. P2P krediti su krediti gdje osoba lično iznajmi svoj novac drugima kojima treba novac preko firme koja nije banka. Ja sam probala dvije P2P firme, švedsku Lendify i litvansku Mintos. Mintos je veća i orientira se prema internacionalnoj klienteli. Lendify ima ljepšu stranicu ali je problem kod njih što rijetko ima kredita za investiciju a i krediti obično traju duže, što znači da meni treba duže vremena da vratim svoj novac.
In Mintos there are loans where you can get 17.5 % (?) return on your money, but then the risk is quite high.
Here are some pictures of how it looks like, and if someone wants to open an account you can use my refer-a-friend code : HXVFTT at Who knows maybe we get something for it 🙂
U Mintos ima kredita na kojima možeš čak 17.5%(?) povratak na uloženi novac dobiti, ali je zato i rizik dosta veći. Evo ovdje par slika kako to izgleda i ako nekog nešto zanima oko toga ili ako hoće da otvori račun možete čak i moj kod HXVFTT na koristiti. Ko zna možda nešto i dobijemo 🙂
This book I got as a gift from my very good friend Suada. It took me some time to read it, simply because the kids are sick the whole time, but I really enjoyed the book. It is interesting to see the differences between the American and French parenting. Reading the book I couldn’t stop comparing the Swedish, German and Bosnian parenting additional to the American and French parenting.
For me the most interesting chapters where regarding the sleeping routines…especially after having Ada that simply refused to sleep until age of three. French children sleep the nights through by the age of four months. For me that was utopia. Here is the tip given to parents…don’t immidiately go to the child when it starts waking up, but leave it be until you see that the baby really needs you.
I guess that was THE mistake we did with Ada. She woke up at least 2-3 times per night turning us into zombies.
With Adrian I was to tired to pick him up every time so I let him be, and he sleeps much better than Ada. Yeah 🙂
The second most interesting chapter was the one about food.
I like the idea that the French are “educating” or teaching the children to eat different kinds of food. They insist that the kid tastes for example broccoli. It doesn’t have to eat it but it has to taste it. Than they make the broccoli in hundred different ways and expect one of these ways will work out for the kids.
Further in France they don’t have “children’s menu” in therestaurants. I find that me and Ensar had done it exactly the way Pamela writes and I have to say it did work out pretty well.
I recommend the book to everyone having children or plan to have because there are some good advices one can test and use when bringing up bebe 🙂
Ovu knjigu sam dobila u poklon od moje dobre prijateljice Suade. Trebalo mi je malo vremena da je pročitam ali šta ću kad su djeca nonstop bolesna. Uživala sam u knjizi jer je pisala upravo o stvarima kroz koje prolazimo trenutno pa koji savjet nije bio ni loš.
Zanimljivo je čitati o razlikama između američkog i francuskog roditeljstvar, a dok sam čitala nisam mogla izbjeći da poredim i švedsko, njemačko i bosansko roditeljstvo.
Meni najzanimljiviji čin je bio kapitel o spavanju pogotovo zato što je Ada tek sa tri godine počela da fino spava.
Znate da francuska djeca već sa četiri mjeseca prespavaju noć, to je za mene bila utopia sa Adom.
Mali savjet je bio da ne idete odmah djetetu kad ga čujete da se pomjera ili budi. Ostavite ga dok se samo dijete ne uspava ili dok vas stvarno ne bude zvalo.
To je ta velika greška koju smo mi Adom uradili. Svaki zvuk što je uradila mi smo već bili tu kod nje.
Sa Adrianom sam bila toliko umorna da mi se nije dalo svaki put da ga dižem i pokazalo se da je puuuno bolje spavao (i spava) od Ade.
Isto zanimljiv mi je bio dio o hrani.
Francuzi smatraju da educiraju djecu o hrani. Da je jesti hranu kao učiti se pisati. Znači vježbaš ukuse dok se dijete ne navikne i počne sve jesti. Bitno je uvijek da proba, a ne mora jesti npr. brokolu. Onda brokolu prave na stotinu raznih načina kao vele jedan će upaliti.
Zanimljivo je da u restoranima nemaju meni za djecu.
U ovom slučaju moram priznati da smo ja i Ensar intuitivno ovo tačno radili pa nam djeca koliko toliko dobro jedu.
Knjigu preporučujem svima koji imaju djecu ili koji planiraju imati djecu. Ima dobrih savjeta koji su u biti sasvim obični savjeti ali koji mnogo mogu pomoći u odgoju i ponašanju djeteta a i odraslih prema djetetu.
Danas dan je tačno godinu dana kako si ti, draga moja tetka, napustila ovaj svijet.
Nedostaju mi naši razgovori, tvoja podrška u svemu, tvoji savjeti. tvoja pomoć u disiciranju problema u subprobleme gdje ti se na kraju problem čini tako malen.
Nedostaje mi “hranjenje riba” i uživanja na našoj obali.
Oduševila bi se kad bi vidjela kolika je Ada narasla.
Žao mi je što nikad nisi zagrila Adriana, ali mi je barem drago što si ga vidjela preko skypa.
Adrian obožava onog majmuna što si Adi poklonila. Toliko ga voli da ga je skroz razklimao. Today it is one year since you, my dear auntie, passed away. I miss our talks, your advices, your support in anything I wanted to do. Your help dissecting a problem into pieces making it seem small. I miss our feeding the fish and just breathing in the air at “obala” (beach)…
You would wonder how big Ada has grown… I am sad you never could hug Adrian, I am happy you saw him at least over Skype. He loves the monkey you gifted to Ada. He actually liked the monkey so much he almost tore it apart :/.
Osjećam se krivom što ti onaj zadnji put nisam uzvratila poziv. Htjela sam ali samo malo kasnije. A to malo kasnije ispade prekasno…
Taj osjećaj krivice nikada ne nestane…
Pitam se da li si htjela meni nešto reći? Znam da si osjećala da ti se približava kraj.
Žao mi je što nisi vidjela kuće kako izgledaju sada kad su balkoni postavljeni. Znam da si to godinama htjela da postavimo, ali nismo imali novaca. Ustvari prioritirale su se druge stvari.I feel guilty that I didn’t call back when you called me last time. I wanted to but just a little bit later, and a little bit later it was too late. This guilt never fades… I wonder if there was something you wanted to tell me. I knew you felt your end was coming. I am sad you didn’t see how the house looks with the balcony. I know you wanted it for years. There was never money for that…or rather we prioritized other things.
I koliko god čudno ili smiješno zvučalo…kad god vidim onaj peparmintpiling od Ingea, sjetim se tebe. And as funny it might sound but every time I see Ingea pepparmint scrub it reminds me of you.
Nedostaješ mi !
Miss you !