And so it came 😀
I tako dodje!
Month: June 2017
The kids loved it last year and they love it this year. Fabulous place for children where they can play for hours. THE famous Baltazar in Skövde. It costs only 100 kr for the whole summer so it is really a great investment where children can learn new things having fun in the same time. I was told next year Baltazar will even be bigger with more things to explore. I can hardly wait for it!

Aqua vitalis
For a long time I haven´t been able to spend some time for myself and just relax, so yesterday my mom told me and my sister to go to Aqua Vitalis for a couple of hours to relax. We where fast to get away and get some time alone. To bad I cannot do it more often. Već dugo vremena nisam imala vremena za sebe i da se samo opustim, i tako mama reće meni i mami da odemo par sati do Aqua Vitalis da se odmorimo i družimo. Bile smo brze pobjeći iz kuće da se ne predomisli 😛 Šteta samo što ne možemo ovo češće raditi.
Adrians first visit in a museum / Adrianova prva posjeta u jednom muzeju
It might be a little difficult to beat Adas first visit in a museum which was Hagia Sophia (old post) in Istanbul, but Adrian was not to bad either. He had the opportunity to come to the Swedish Museum of National History which is the major museum of natural history in Sweden. Adrian was brave and silent looking interested at everything. Especially the face of Eva draught his attention.
I do have to admit it is fascinating to look at her face and imagine for a second the whole human history 🙂
Moram priznati da je i meni bilo interesantno njezino lice gledati i malo maštati o čitavoj ljudskoj istoriji 🙂
Girl cruise on a Sunday / Krstarenje sa djevojkama jedne nedjelje
Today morning I woke up at 5h!
At 7.10h me, my sister and over 300 women checked in on Silja Line for a cruise to Aland. The cruise was organised by “Aktiespararna”, and contained great talks about stocks.
We met the CEO Therese Lundstedt for the Aktieinvest telling us about the possibility to buy shares of a stock instead of a whole stock (great when very expensive stocks), as well as Sandra Lindqvist that has made the “Framtidsfeminist fund” a fund only investing in companies that promote equality among the upper management. Very clever and nice idea.
A fascinating story was also told by Andra Farad whose alias Börshajen has made a fascinating travel from a suburb of Stockholm to run her own business educating people about stocks.
It was very motivating and gave me a chance to talk with women with the same interest and discuss strategies, mistakes and victories.
Jutros sam se u 5h probudila!
U 7.10h smo sestra, ja i još preko 300 žena uradile check-in na Silja Line trajektu za krstarenje do Alanda. Krstarenje je organizovano od Aktiespararna i sastojalo se od predavanja o dionicama.
Sreli smo izmeđuostalih CEO od Aktieinvest Therese Lundstedt- koja nam je pričala o mogućnost kupovine djelove dionice (super, ako su jako skupe dionice), Sandru Lindqvist koja je napravila Framtidsfeminist fond ( Budućnostfeminist fond), gdje investira novac samo u firme gdje ravnopravnost vlada u višem menadžmentu. Jako pametna i fina ideja.
Interesantnu životnu priču je Andra Farad -Börshajen ispričala o svom životnom putu iz predgrađa Štokholma do osnivanje svoje firme koja se bavi edukacijom o dionicama.
Bilo je jako motivirajući ići na ovo krstarenje i dalo mi je šansu da pričam i sretnem žene koje su isto tako zainteresovane u dionicama kao što sam i ja.
Adrians first trip to Sweden /Adrianovo prvo putovanje za Švedsku
Today was Adrians first flight ever and typically it took ages. I actually think I’ve never travelled so long to get to Sweden. We left Karlsruhe around 12h and arrived around 19.30h . They where awake the whole journey. At home the kids where so excited so they fell asleep around 22h. Me on the other hand I am to tired to sleep and I am thinking of a lot of things. Funny thing in the end was that the last stairs where colorful:)
Danas je bio Adrianov prvi let, naravno se izdužio. Mislim da nikad nisam toliko dugo putovala za Švedsku. Krenuli smo iz Karlsruhe oko 12h i stigli oko 19.30h. Djeca su bila budna skoro čitav put. Kad smo stigli tako su bili uzbuđeni da nisu mogli spavati i tek oko 22h su zaspali. Ja u drugu ruku sam bila tako umorna da nisam od umora mogla zaspati i mnogo sam razmišljala. Bilo mi je baš simpatično vidjeti ove stepenice kad sam trebala izaći iz metra.