When I was a kid I rememeber how my mother washed the plastic bags to reuse them. I don’t know if they were expensive or if it was just the way of thinking….why throw perfectly good things.
When I see the tons of garbage my family itself produces I wonder how we can decrease these huge amount of trash. For the sake of the future of our children and because no one wants to have a dump in front of their house.
Imagine in Germany and Sweden there are around 90 milion people altogether. If every person uses just 1 plastic bag per year that means we throw 90 milion bags per year. It is literally a mountain of plastic bags.
I have until now used minimum 1-2 bags per DAY. Imagine 90 millions people using x 2 bags x 365 = 65 700 000 000 bags per year!!! Just in Sweden and Germany…
I have decided from now on to try to minimize the amount of plastic bags we use and appel you to reduce as much as possible. Even if is just one bag less per year it will be millions of bags less per year…Sjećam se kad sam bila mala kako je moja mama prala kese i ponovo su se koristile. Ne znam ako su kese bile skupe ili je samo način razmišljanja bio drugačiji. Zašto baciti nešto što je čitavo.
Kad vidim brdo smeća koje samo moja familija proizvodi dođe mi da zaplačem. Zbog budućnost naše djece i zbog činjenice da niko neće da ima smetište pred svojim pragom hoću da barem ja koliko mogu smanjim svoju potrošnju kesa.
Do sad sam koristila najmanje 1-2 kese na dan. Zamislite 90 million ljudi koji koriste x 2 kese x 365 = 65 700 000 000 kesa godišnje!! Samo u Švedskoj i Njemačkoj…
Odlučila sam od sad da smanjim potrošnju plastičnih kesa koliko mogu i apeliram i vas da to uradite. Iako je samo jedna kesa to bude ukupno milione kesa manje….