This month has been quite disappointing. I have been sick the whole time and as that wasn’t enough Ada was also spending most of her time at home instead of kindergarten.
Thus, I had no time or energy to check or buy any stocks this month. This gives me a reminder of the importance of saving. Despite feeling crap having the flu or tonsillitis for months, these are still not such bad diseases. I cannot even imagine the feeling of black hole when something really serious happens.
So even if doing nothing I got 37.5 kr in dividends from Dividend Sweden, and also got 750 subscription rights (I think it is called) or in this case they called them units. I am not 100% sure what that is so I´ll have to read more about it.
In A&A portfolio I just bought Avanza Zero fund for 100kr. I hope now with a new month new energy comes.Ovaj mjesec je bio tako deprimirajući meni. Ne samo što sam ja bila bolesna čitav mjesec nego je i Ada više vremena provodila kod kuće nego u vrtiću. Samim tim niti sam imala vremena da čitam, niti da pišem, niti da se angažujem oko ićega pa čak ni u dionice.
Ovo me dovelo da počnem razmišljati o tome koliko je bitna štednja. Iako sam bila bolesna mjesecima, to nije neka teža bolest bila (meni je moja najteža da se zna), ali zamislite da je nešto stvarno ozbiljno. Ne mogu ni da zamislim tu crnu rupu osjećaja ili čak ekonomsku.
Iako ništa nisam ovog mjeseca radila dobila sam 37.5 kr dividendi od Dividend Sweden, i isto tako sam dobila nekih 750 units što nisam do sada nikada dobila, i nemam iskreno pojma šta je. Moraću malo pročitati i vidjeti šta je.
U A&A portfoliu sam samo kupila Avanza Zero fond za 100kr.
Sad kad smo ušli u novi mjesec stvarno se nadam da ću dobiti malo više energije i ići u nove pobjede.