My parents are very cool when it comes to get out and go somewhere. Be it a trip or just a coffee in another city. They have never the issue of planning nor does the distance make them back off. Today, my father wanted to go to IKEA. Since, I had to return some things this was perfect for me. Today was also Adrians first visit in IKEA…never too early to start with shopping 🙂
We also met Edita (my brothers wives aunt …). She had been great help to my parents when my aunt died. It was very nice to meet and have the opportunity to thank her for it. For the first timeAda got afraid when she didn’t see me while playing in the playground room. When she saw me she ran to me and give me a big hug and a kiss. Do I have to tell I melted 🙂 Moji roditelji su jako ležerni što se tiće nabrzaka izletiti iz kuće i otići negdje. Bilo to putovanje ili samo na kafu negdje. Daljina im nikad ne predstavlja neki problem. Danas je tata htio ići do IKEA, što je meni pasalo jer sam imala nekih stvari da vratim. Danas je i Adrianu prva posjeta u IKEA…nikad nije prerano početi sa šopingom :p Sreli smo i Editu, (snahina tetka) koja je jako pomogla kad je tetka Bahra umrla i bilo je jako lijepo imati priliku da se zahvalim tome. Ada se prvi put prepala kad me nije vidjela dok se igrala a kad me vidjela potrčala je i tako me poljubila i zagrlila da sam se istopila 🙂