There are few things as unifying as a funeral!
Well at least before the split of the inheritance, that makes a war in the families if not properly done.
This weekend I learned another thing unifying people, better say my husband and me, and that is the stomach virus of our child. Our concern for our daughter every time she puked was uniting us and giving us new energy in the night and the day that followed.
Now thinking of it, it is strange how bad things can unite people, while for example weddings, that should be pure happiness can tore families apart. Why is it that people stay united and calm for a much longer time when bad things happen than is the case when good things happen?
How sick isn’t the world?
Malo stvari ujedini kao dženaza (sahrana)!
Barem ispočetka prije nego što počnu ostavinske rasprave koje nisu urađene kako treba pa se zarati i familiji.
Ovog vikenda sam vidjela koliko jedan stomačni virus od djeteta može da ujedini ljude, bolje reči mene i mog muža. Svaki put kad je povratila smo se zajedno brinuli i davali jedno drugom energije za noć (i dan) koju slijedi.
Sad kad malo razmislim čudno je kako loše stvari ujedine ljude, dok npr. vjenčanja, koja bi trebala da budu čista sreća može da podijeli familiju.
Zašto su ljudi mirni i ujedinjeni mnogo duže kad su loša vremena nego kad im je fino?
To je baš bolesno kad se skonta…