Previously writing about the gynecomastia made me interested in the changes in the bodies of grown ups and children. I found a very interesting and disturbing documentary at Netflix, called “The human experiment”. Everyone should watch it and reflect about it.
It is scary to the point that it shows how chemicals for decades are stored in our bodies and affect us in ways we do not even know of. Just the fact that there is an increase of leukemia or life threatening birth defects, problems to reproduce and so on in last 45 years (in the movie it shows the facts for USA) makes me uneasy. I do now want to risk my or my child´s life when sitting in the sofa, or touching plastics, eating “wrong” food, brushing my teeth with “wrong” toothpaste and so on.
The movie forced me to start thinking about my way of life and I am now trying to leave a smaller footprint on this planet and to think more about things I buy for the sake of Ada.
If you are interested in more information about safe products you can get it at the human experiment webpage.Kako sam prije pisala o ginekomastiji , to me zainteresovalo u razlog zašto dolazi do promijena kod odraslih i djece. Pogledala sam jedan jako dobar dokumentarni na Netflixu koji se zove “The human experiment”, ili u prevodu “Ljudski eksperiment”. Svi bi ga trebali pogledati i malo razmisliti o njemu.
Strašan je jer opisuje kako se kemikalije decenijama slažu u našim tijelima i utiču na načine koje su nama još uvijek nepoznati. Ali sama ta činjenica da je , u zadnjih 45 godina (u filmu prikazuju podatke iz Amerike) toliko povećanje dječije leukemije, opasnih po životu urođenih mana, problemi sa reprodukcijom itd. me čini malo nelagodnom.
Neću da rizikujem moj ili od mog djeteta život samo zato što sjedim na sofi, ili što dirnem plastiku, što jedem “pogrešnu” hranu, što perem zube pogrešnim kaladontom itd. Uglavnom, film me natjerao da razmislim malo o svom načinu života i počela sam se truditi da što više mislim na te stvari , na šta kupujem ako ništa zbog Ade i njezine budućnosti.
Ako hoćete da više o sigurnim produktima pročitate možete ući na webstranicu “the human experiment“.