A cow is a cow / Krava je krava

…but you check her teeth up before you buy her. I couldn’t sleep this night and in the middle of the night I suddenly remember my late grandfather saying these words ” a cow is a cow but check her teeth up before buying her”. Great quote actually considering that it has described the essence of sexual selection. First time I heard it I cried of laughter, especially since my grandfather was drop dead serious about it. He wanted me to be careful which boy to choose when the “time was right for marriage, and not even to talk about the time for children”. I must say I considered him almost crazy when I heard it. However thinking about it though, years to come proved him right ( even though, I admit, it does sound sooo harsch and kind of extreme). In the end it all comes to health. My wealth, childrens health, your partners health, your families health, your husbands families health and so on. You just need one ill person in the (extended) family and the whole family is involved and experiencing constant stress that in worst case tears families apart. So I guess, to make your own  future life easier it is not a bad thing to practice when looking for a partner… no matter how weird and calculating it sounds. 2016-07-31 01.39.08…pa se gledaju zubi kad se kupuje. Ne mogu da spavam i iz vedra neba se sjetih mog “babe” (dido, ali su ga svi zvali babo) rahmetli kad mi je rekao  to mrtav ozbiljan. “Krava je krava pa se gledaju zubi kad se kupuje”. Htio je da pripazim koga budem izabirala kad bude vrijeme za ozbiljnu vezu (udaju) a da ne pricam o mojoj buducoj djeci. Kad sam ovu izreku prvi put cula plakala sam od smijeha koliko je to meni bilo smijesno i apsurdno. Priznajem, smatrala sam “babu” malo cak i otkacenim da tako nesto kaze. Ali cinjenica je da je ta izreka ustvari opisala srz seksualne selekcije. Prodjose godine, ” babe” vec dugo nema, ali se ispostavilo da je bio u pravu. Jer se na kraju sve svede na zdravlje. Moje zdravlje, zdravlje djece, partnera/ muza/zene. Zdravlje njegove/ njezine familije itd. Dovoljna je jedna bolest u (siroj) familiji, da svi budu pod stresom. Tenzije koje nastaju su dovoljne da razore i najjacu familiju. Tako da, koliko to god zvucilo cudno, okrutno i izracunato, stvarno na kraju ispadne da je babo bio u pravu. Ako hoces da olaksas svoj buduci zivot (naravno ne mozes nikad biti 100% siguran) onda treba dobro gledati koga ces izabrati kao buduceg zivotnog partnera.


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