Priority list / Prioritetlista

One thing that came up as a revelation for me when I read the blog of Förvaringsdrottningen was that I actually never wrote a “to-do” list for things I should do or things that get me annoyed in my apartment. Considering the time we spend in the apartment and how annoying things can be it is maybe a great place to start organizing our life at home first. Since, we are moving to a new city and a bigger apartment I have great opportunity for changing things and here are few things that I will have very high up on my priority list

  1. Have a place where my “to-do” list is visible!
  2. clear my and Ada´s closet
  3. clear my book shelf (get rid of books that I find boring)
  4. clear out our pantry
  5. clear out stuff in general that are just around with no function
  6. clear out my bags
  7. Pack for moving -> New city, new apartment
  8. Move in fast. With that I mean that I do not want to spend 2 years looking for furniture or looking at my windows having no curtains, because of lack of proper drill or something like that. If I need to I´ll rather get professional help for furnishing the apartment (well depends on the price )

to do list 2p.s Loved this to do list that found this list on the internet (I do not remember the source) to do list
Kad sam čitala blog od Förvaringsdrottningen skontala sam da nikad nisam pisala ”to-do”-liste gdje piše šta trebam u stanu uraditi ili šta mi smeta u stanu. Kad razmislim malo i skontam koliko vremena provodimo u stanu/ kući i kako nam to puno znači za psihičko zdravlje onda smatram da je ustvari dom pravo mjesto za početak reorganiziranje svog života. Kako se uskoro selimo u novi grad I u veći stan meni je to savršena prilika da promijenim stvari i upravo sam zapisala par stvari koje stoje visoko na mojoj prioritetlisti.

  1. Pronaći mjesto gdje mi je lista na oku da je uvijek vidim!
  2. Raščistiti Adinu i moju garderobu
  3. Raščistiti knjige (riješiti se dosadnih knjiga)
  4. Špajzu rastribiti
  5. Izbacati stvari iz stana koje nemaju funkciju ili koje su stare
  6. Rastribiti tašne
  7. Pakovat za selidbu
  8. Brzo se useliti. Neću da 2 godine tražim namještaj koji paše ili gledati prozore bez zavjesa zato što nije bilo tačne bušilice. Ili slike koje stoje i nikad nisu obješene na zid. Radije ću profesionalce platiti da mi to sve urade nego da mi kutije stoje 2 godine u hodnik

Cute dress

We got a surprise visit from Adas “big uncle” that brought such a cute dress. I tried to take a pic of my little daughter Ada in the dress but it was impossible. 😀
Dress / Haljina: NiNiA

Adin “veliki” striko je dosao iznenada u posjetu i kupio je jednu preslatku haljinicu za Adu. Probala sam Adu uslikati u njoj medjutim to je bilo prosto ne moguce 😀 ada

Positive things in Bosnia – Art / Pozitivne stvari u Bosni- Umjetnost

A couple of years ago I visited my relatives in San Francisco where I experienced the joy of seeing the paintings of Mersad Berber and Midhat Jelkic Bosner. These two and Salim Ljuma have become my favorite three artists from Bosnia. I am no reviewer (nor expert) of arts I either like the paintings or not. Berber and Bosner I like because I find peace in the picture. They are beautiful and I like that they use the traditional dresses and patterns of Bosnia. Salim on the other hand is different. I find his paintings more interesting. When you first look at Salims painting you see the obvious. However, after a while you notice there are hidden things in the picture. I feel sometimes that I look at the picture and the picture looks back at me. I love it!
P.s. who is your favorite painter?

Paintings of Berber!MersadBerber-Sample-01  berber201224 32609ffa2e4367ab5bec4220d94050ad

Paintings of Bosnerjelkic---22-2x30-cm-kt-dik131---150121 jelkic---32x23-cm-kt-bijeli-konj-1303201 jelkic---35x25-cm-p-sa-1303201

Art by Salim Ljuma1928860_941082122606577_1803757967972594385_n 11059239_915804585134331_6763116195305567018_n11046689_937756639605792_248752757449645171_n  11698631_867291076652349_1903756942271413822_n salim_spirala
Prije nekoliko godina kad sam bila u posjeti kod rodbine u San Francisku po prvi put sam vidjela i shvatila da ima izvrsnih slikara iz Bosne. Vidjela sam radove od Mersada Berbera i Midhata Jelkić Bosner uživo i bila sam oduševljena. Berber, Bosner a i Salim Ljuma su mi postali vremenom favorit slikari iz Bosne. Niti sam ekspert slikarstva niti kritičar meni se slike ili sviđaju ili ne sviđaju. Od Berbera i Bosnera mi se sviđaju jer osjetim neki mir kad gledam njihove slike. Isto mi se sviđa što često slikaju tradicionalne  nošnje i mustre. Slike od Salima Ljume su drugačije. Kad gledam njegove slike prvo vidim ono očigledno, da bi nakon izvjesnog vremena primjetila da u slici ima sakriveni motiva. Ponekad osječam da ja gledam sliku a slika mene. Fantastično!
P.s. koji je vaš omiljeni slikar?

Positive things in Bosnia – Cinema / Pozitivno iz Bosne -Kino

Yesterday, my husband, his brother and I went to see Star Wars The force awakens. The ticket costed 2 Euro !! Can you imagine paying 2 Euro for going to watch a 3D movie in cinema?? I was thrilled. For me, that is definitely a positive thing to do when visiting Bosnia. The movies in Bosnia are all in original language with a subtitle so even tourists can enjoy the movies.  The Star war movie itself threw me back in the childhood when I watched the first Star wars movie. Can´t say the story was good but it was fun to watch it in 3D…and the popcorn was great 😛 Latest-The-Force-Awakens-Trailer-DescriptionSinoc smo muz, njegov brat i ja otisli u kino da gledamo Star Wars. Karta je kostala 2 Eura sto je kad poredis Njemacku ili jos skuplju Svedsku gdje su karte po 20 Eura nevjerovatno jeftine. Za ove koji dodju iz vana (i one sto puse mogu sebi to priustiti :P) je to definitivno jedna pozitivna stvar koju mogu da oceifim kad dodjem u Bosnu. Sam Star Wars film me vratio unazad u djetinjstvo kad sam gledala prve Star wars filmove. Uzivala sam u 3D filmu mada ne mogu bas reci da je prica nesto dobra…ali zato su kokice bile mrak 😛



Positive things in Bosnia – a friends friend / Pozitivno iz Bosne – prijatelj od prijatelja

Last night Ada was in a party mood. She woke up around 1.30h and wanted to sing “Djiha djiha and Humpty Dumpty”. The party lasted until around 3.00h. My plan to go to Sarajevo today was crushed because of me being k.o after the party night, the ever falling snow AND the ice rain.
Despite the weather I managed to meet a friend of a friend and made a new friend. I find it so typical (positive) Bosnian. The thing that if you know a person A that knows the person B you meet person B and if you are lucky you make new friends. Probably the reason Bosnians don´t mind meeting more or less complete strangers is that the Bosnian people where scattered all over the world during the last war, not even knowing where the closest family where. This tactic of meeting a friends friend connected many families and friends. Personally, I find the gift and joy of socializing with other people one of the happiest features among Bosnians.20160104_150430_resizedSinoć se Ada probudila oko 1.30h i htjela je pjevati  “Djiha djiha i Humpty Dumpty”. Do 3.00h je cupkala i pjevala. Moj plan da u toku dana odem u Sarajevo je tako propao jer sam bila premorena od Adinog koncerta u sred noći, snijeg nije prestao padati i još je ledena kiša počela padati.
Uprkos lošem vremenu sam uspijela sresti prijateljicinu prijateljicu i upoznala novo prijateljsvo. TO sretanje prijateljevih prijatelja je meni tako jedna tipična (pozitivna) osobina bosanaca. Vjerovatno je to učestalo kad je rat bio i kad su se naši razbježali po čitavom svijetu ne znajući gdje su im njihovi najbliži. Taktika sretanja prijateljevih prijatelja je tako mnogo familija i prijatelja ujedinila. To je kao FB u realnom životu. Vjerujem da su rijetka mjesta u Evropi ili Americi, pa čak i po drugim djelovima svijeta, gdje jedan Bosanac (ako hoće) nije u stanju nači nekog s kim može sjesti ili pak prenoćiti zahvaljujući prijateljevim prijateljima/ rođacima. TO je jedna nevjerovatna jačina i moć koju naš narod još uvijek ne iskorištava koliko bi trebali. (U drugim državama to zovu kontakt mrežom). Lično smatram da je takvo to druženje jedna od najljepših i najjačih osobina kod bosanskog naroda i treba tu osobinu češće koristiti.


Positive things in Bosnia – Jewelry / Pozitivno iz Bosne – Nakit

One thing I love when I come to Tuzla  is to visit the jewelry Korzo. They make the jewelry themselves and they have an unique collection. I like their work that is a combination of middle east jewelry that is quite kitschy and western that is too simple for me. This ring is a new years gift from my husband and my daughter loved it 😀20160103_105403_resized

20151230_125349_resized  20151230_125313_resizedZlatni Nakit:
U Tuzli ima zlatara Korzo, gdje sami rade svoj nakit i imaju prelijepe kolekcije koje su mjesavina između arapskog kiča i zapadnjačkog prejednostavnog stila. Volim otići u zlataru samo da parim oči kako kaže moja dobra prijateljica. A desi se i da kupim ponešto. Ovaj prsten koji Ada pokazuje je novogodišnji poklon od mog muža 😀


Positive thing in Bosnia – massage / Pozitivne stvari u Bosni- masaža

Farah dermatological cosmetic center Tuzla- Massages and facial treatments:
If you are around in Tuzla, there is this awesome place to get massage! In general I am a fan of massages, facial treatments and all things connected to “spa life”. I am sure that I could spend every day in spas going from one treatment to another. I adore it! I go for massage quite often in Munich and Stockholm but I was absolutely amazed when I went for massage at Farah in Tuzla, in Bosnia of all places 😀  My masseuse Azra is one of if not the best masseuse I have met so I definitely recommend her if you want to go for a great massage. After the massage there is a quite nice cafe(Sagittarius) close by where one can order great (healthy) smoothies as the great finish of a relaxing day! pic. fr. Farah.bamasazaFarah dermatološki kozmetički centar Tuzla- Masaže i tretman lica:
Fenomenalno! Inače sam apsolutni fan masaža, tretmana lica i sve što ima veze sa spa. Čini mi se da bih čitave dane mogla ići po masažama i tretmanima. Često sam bila na masažama u Minhenu i Štokholmu ali sam se oduševila kad sam otišla na masažu kod Azre u Farah u Tuzli.  Od tad sam stalni gost tamo kad dođem u Tuzlu. Za završetak jednog opuštajućeg dana možete otići u Sagattarius kafić gdje imaju ukusne smoothies.smoothie



Yesterday, my husband, Ada and I went for a short trip to Gradacac. It is a city in Bosnia famous for its plums but also because of Husein-kapetan Gradaščević also called “the Dragon of Bosnia”. He used the famous Gradacac castle as the administrative head quarter of his. This castle is said to have neen built in 1765 (no written documents are there though). However, the written documens from 1785 say that the castle was already built then. Today, on the top, there is a restaurant where we ordered the famous and delicious “begova čorba” (the soup of the bey), enjoying also the view (that is said to be even more beautiful in spring.20160102_142422kulaJucer smo Ada, Ensar i ja otišli na kratki izlet u Gradačac. Prošetali smo kroz prelijepi gradić i otišli smo u kulu da se ugrijemo begovom čorbom. Priča se da je kula napravljena 1765 godine, a u dokumentima od 1785. godine stoji da je već bila izgrađena. Čorba je bila jako ukusna, ali vruće pogačice su Adi bile apsolutni hit jer nije nista drugo htjela jesti osim njih.

Pozitivno iz Bosne 1. dio / Positive things in Bosnia part

Being in Bosnia for vacation I want to bring the positive things, that we usually do not think of, out to you. If you have some suggestions for things one should visit, try or see I would be happy to hear.

One thing I adore in Bosnia is the huge choice of cakes. One of my favorites is the Boem cake that I have ate in so many places in Bosnia and Croatia and until now the best one is the one in the confectionary in the city of Bosanska Krupa. Last time I was there they had another new cake in their collection called Sand (I think it was) that was made of Cocos and was also really tasty.
Arriving in Tuzla we had a slight fall in our sugar levels so we bought a couple of different cakes and I don´t have to tell how thrilled Ada was with them.
Another cake I love is the chocolate souffle and I have eaten that cake in many places. Until now the best one was in Limoni in Munich, but I have to admit that I ate one as good as that one here in Bosnia. To be more specific in Bihac in Hotel Emporium. It was not only tasty BUT it was huge so I could really enjoyyy it, which is not the case in Limoni. In Limoni it is quite small cake so I always want a couple of more bites leaving me a little unsatisfied. It also costs something like 7 Euro in Limoni, and here it was half the price (or something like that). In any case if you are around Bihac then I recommend you to rest a moment and enjoy the soufflé.
p.s. what  is your favorite cake and where can one buy it?

Uvijek kad počnem pisati nešto kad sam u Bosni ispadne neki iritirani post jer se toliko živciram oko nekih bezmislenih stvari pa sam odlučila da svoje misli malo usmjerim u nešto pozitivno. Ako imate prijedloga šta zanimljivo vidjeti, probati ili posjetiti slobodno recite. Otvorena sam za sve.

Bosanski kolači:
Jedna stvar koja me svaki put oduševi je izbor kolača. Meni su naši kolači izvan lige švedima a pogotovo njemcima (nisu nikako po mom ukusu). Jedan od mojih par favorit kolača je boem kolač i do sada sam ga jela u pola Bosne ali najbolji je u slastičarnoj u Bosanskoj Krupi!! Imaju neku posebnu smjesu koja je BAŠ dobra :D. A ovaj put kad sam bila tamo imali su neki novi kolač sa kokosom čini mi se da se zvao pješčani kolač. Bio je isto pravo ukusan.
Kad smo došli u Tuzlu imali smo pad šećera pa smo kupili kolače i Ada je bila oduševljena s tim 😀
Inace sam isto ljubitelj souflea (ili kako se to pise) i jela sam ih na dosta mjesta. U Limoniju u Minhenu mi je bio najbolji do sad, ali moram priznati da sam jela jedan isto tako dobar u Bosni. I to u Bihaću u Hotelu Emporium. Ne samo što je bio ukusan, nego je bio i povelik da se baš moglo oćeifiti, što nije slučaj u Limoniju. Tamo je poprilično malen kolač (a košta 7 Eura) pa ostaneš željan još kolača. Tako da ako ste slučajno u prolazu kroz Bihać i volite souffle onda definitivno preporučujem jedan kolačić tamo. Ovdje je sa sladoledom od jagode, ali bih vam preporučila da uzmete od vanilije jer bolje paše sa čokoladom…

p.s koji je vas favorit kolac i gdje se moze kupiti? 😀


Happy new year ! / Sretna nova 2016 godina

I feel that 2015 passed by very fast. The day we celebrated Ada´s first birthday feels like yesterday.
My private goals from last year, I partly fulfilled or partly missed. Depending on how one looks at it. The most important goals at least I fulfilled and these are:

  • To see a new place: I made a list (old post) with 10 destinations that I would love to see. This year I visited Istanbul and St. Petersburg. My dream is fulfilled. I also fell in love with Istanbul. Such a beautiful city it is. St. Petersburg was also a wonderful experience.
  • Reading books: I hope I can read more books this year but last year my favorite book was “What if” written by Randall Munroe.
  • I wrote a tale that my niece Zoe liked 😀
  • Happiness: I was happy most of the time
  • I was with my daughter
  • The only thing I completely missed was the sport. This year I will try to do sports regularly 😛

My goals for this year:

  • Move to a bigger apartment and looks like to a new town.
  • Visit a new place. This year I hope to go to Scotland and/ or Iceland.
  • Be with friends and family
  • Be happy
  • Be with my daughter2192 (2)

2015 je prosla bas brzo meni. Osjeca se kao jucer da smo slavili Adin prvi rodjendan.

Moje privatne ciljeve od prosle godine sam djelomicno ispunila ili profulila. Zavisi kako to neko gleda. Najbitnije sam sebi ispunila

  • Vidjela sam novo mjesto:  Ispisala sam sebi listu (stari post) od 10 mjesta koje bih voljela vidjeti. Bila sam i u Istanbulu i u St. Petersburgu. San mi je ispunjen.  Zaljubila sam se u Istanbul, a i St. Petersburg je bio divan. 20150621_224223
  • Citala sam koliko sam mogla knjiga od kojih mi se najvise dopala “What if” od Randall Munroe.
  • Napisala sam jednu djeciju pricu koja se cak svidjela Zoe 😀
  • Bila sam vecinom vremena sretna
  • i bila sam sa kcerkom
  • jedino sto me fulilo sto se nisam nikako bavila sportom

Moji privatni ciljevi ove godine

  • preseliti se u veci stan i u novi grad kako sve izgleda
  • otici negdje gdje nisam prije bila, Skotska i Island mi leze visoko na listi
  • vise citati
  • druziti se familijom i prijateljima
  • biti sretna
  • biti sa kcerkom
