Travelling from Bosnia always gets me frustrated at the borders of Bosnia/Croatia and Croatia/ Slovenia. It is like people on the border are working slow on purpose thus making long queues on purpose. I get the feeling that it is their way of showing superior to Bosnians citizen, and the Bosnians on the other hand show inferior. I hate that feeling people project but there is nothing really I can do about it. Everyone has to fight or his own rights. Right?
This time it wasn´t these borders that made me angry. This time it was Germany´s border. Four tracks full of cars at the highway. All pulled to one track at the highway. It was last weekend after the long holidays so there where for sure a couple of hundred of cars forced into one track. First, we thought there had been an accident. Luckily, it wasn´t. There was the German border police standing at the side of the highway pointing with some spotlights into the cars. Seriously? They were looking at people in the car. What was that about? Stopping the refugees of entering the borders or what? I do not need that kind of pseudo control where citizens believe they are safe because a person points a lamp in my face. Can´t be that anyone is that stupid to believe that? If we and other EU-citizens truly want safety for us, the only way that will happen is to stop selling weapons to unstable (and other) countries and also stop interacting in the politics of these countries!

Kad se vracam iz Bosne uvijek se na granicama Bosna/Hrvatska, Hrvatska/Slovenija izfrustriram. Tamo kao da granicari namjerno sporo rade i tako stvaraju redove u nedogled. Imam osjecaj da hoce da se pokazu superiornima, a opet Bosanci to prihvate i kao da ih se boje, pokazuju se inferiornima. Mrzim taj osjecaj sto ljudi projiciraju ali opet u drugu ruku ne mogu tu nista. Svako se mora za svoja prava boriti. Zar ne?
Ovaj put se nisam toliko nervirala na nasim granicama nego na Njemackoj granici. Cetiri trake pune auta na autoputu, usmjerene na jednu traku. I to zadnji slobodni vikend nakon praznika. Znaci na stotine auta na putu koja su na jednu traku usmjerena. Bijase totalni zastoj saobracaja. Mislili smo prvo da se desila nesreca. Srecom nije, nego se njemacka granicka policija poredala pokraj autoputa sa svjetlima koja su usmjerila u auta, ko biva da nas vide. Vidjeli su oni da ne kazem sta. Sta hoce sa tim uopste? Da dadnu svojim gradjanima osjecaj sigurnost? Pa moras biti totalna budala da vjerujes u to. Meni ne treba neka pseudo kontrola gradjana da bih se ja osjecala sigurnom od izbjeglica koje su glavom bez obzira pobjegli iz svojih drzava. Svi imaju i trebaju da imaju pravo da traze bolji zivot. Ali ako vec hoce da im se EU-gradjani osjecaju sigurnijima onda je jedini nacin da se to ostvari da prestanu prodavati oruzje tim nestabilnim (a i ostalim) drzavama i nek se ne petljaju u politiku doticnih zemalja.
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