Yesterday, my husband, Ada and I went for a short trip to Gradacac. It is a city in Bosnia famous for its plums but also because of Husein-kapetan Gradaščević also called “the Dragon of Bosnia”. He used the famous Gradacac castle as the administrative head quarter of his. This castle is said to have neen built in 1765 (no written documents are there though). However, the written documens from 1785 say that the castle was already built then. Today, on the top, there is a restaurant where we ordered the famous and delicious “begova čorba” (the soup of the bey), enjoying also the view (that is said to be even more beautiful in spring.Jucer smo Ada, Ensar i ja otišli na kratki izlet u Gradačac. Prošetali smo kroz prelijepi gradić i otišli smo u kulu da se ugrijemo begovom čorbom. Priča se da je kula napravljena 1765 godine, a u dokumentima od 1785. godine stoji da je već bila izgrađena. Čorba je bila jako ukusna, ali vruće pogačice su Adi bile apsolutni hit jer nije nista drugo htjela jesti osim njih.