I try to enjoy these hot days to its maximum. Yesterday me and Suada (with the children) went to Rose garden where we spent a couple of hours, most of the time trying to separate Kian and Ada from hitting each other. It is quite amazing how children always want the toy that the other child took. (When I think of it it is the same for grown ups. The grass is always greener at the other side) From time to time I was testing my abilities in throwing stones at these huge crows living there. I have to say I was quite successful even though I got some weird looks from the people around. Then Lejla called us and we decided spontanously to meet at Prater island. Praterinsel is an island in the flood Isar, and it is very nice for relaxing and splashing. During the walk towards Praterinsel our children fell asleep. There are no cuter children than children that are sleeping 😀
Kako su nevjerovatne vrucine tako se trudimo da svaki dan iskoristimo maksimalno. Jucer smo Suada i ja, sa djecom otisle ponovo u Rosengarten gdje smo prijepodne lijepo provele (vecinu vremena) razdvajajuci Kiana i Adu kad se pokefaju. Zanimljivo je to kako djeca uvijek hoce igracku koje je upravo drugo dijete uzelo. (Nesto razmisljam tako je isto i sa odraslima. Uvijek je trava zelenija kod komsije.) Dalje, su bile velike vrane tamo tako da sam sa vremena na vrijeme isprobavala svoje sposobnost u gadjanju vrana kamenjem. Mogu reci da sam bila dobra, mada me malo stid bilo jer su me njemci pomalo na krivo gledali… Srecom nazvala nas prijateljica Lejla, i predlozila da odemo do Praterinsel. To je jedno ostrvo u rijeci Isar gdje je lijepo za kupanje (bolje reci brckanje). I tako se mi uputimo alejom do ostrva. I sto je najbolje usput nam djeca zaspu… Nema sladje djece nego djeca koja spavaju 😀
At Praterinsel Ada was a great swimmer. It didn´t matter that the water was cold. She just jumped in and enjoyed. Why wouldn´t she when you consider it was almost 40 degrees outdoors.
After splashing around a couple of hours we decided to go to the famous Kulturstrand. It is a beach cafée / club. There is sand everywhere, water where children can play and life music. What more do you need 😀
Poslije kupanja smo odlucili da odemo u Kulturstrand. Pjeska svugdje, istotako vode gdje se djeca mogu kupati i muzika uzivo. Nista vise i ne treba 😀